8-week old baby 'speaks' first words to Mommy

We often ask the question, “how much do babies really understand”? It can seem like they are little secret agents who are just waiting to surprise us with their first words. While we may never know how much babies actually comprehend, this video does a good job of shedding some light on it!

Is that baby really talking?

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With dogs who mimic the sounds of their owners, we often wonder if they are truly “talking.” Well, this baby seems to be talking, but who can really know? After going viral, this baby seems to have people arguing over whether mimicking sounds and talking are the same, and which one the baby is doing!

Babies go through different stages of communication.

Most parents know that their baby goes through stages of communication. From the first little “gah-gah” sounds to full-blown “da-da,” there is a lot in between! The Atlantic says:

“Such early utterances have a lot of social work to do—they’re more about enabling an interaction than about referring to something specific. So it seems as if ka (baby sounds) was less an act of naming than the on-switch for a shared experience.”

It seems that baby noises are less so about comprehension and more about their social experience!

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It seems that humans are just social creatures, to begin with! Talking is such a crucial part of being a human. It seems like the learning process for it is socially based too! The babies just want to fit in and sound like their parents.

What do you think about this baby?

After all that, we still have to ask the question! What do you think when you hear the baby?

The video starts off pretty standard.

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When most people film their babies, it is pretty typical! While its almost always cute, the results are pretty standard across the board. Babies just can’t do too much yet! They are too focused on making sure their heads don’t fall to the side.

The mom is talking to her baby and getting some funny noises back.

YouTube Source: YouTube

You can tell this is one happy baby! As she hears her mom talking to her, she gets so excited. Babies really are the most innocent things in the world!

As the video continues, the baby is getting out some noises and “responding” to her mom with gibberish.

There is no cohesive word or phrase that is said by the baby until her mom says something special. As she is talking about Christmas and how happy of a baby she is, the mom says, “I love you.”

This baby has heard those words before!

Pexels Source: Pexels

You can almost see the struggle on the baby’s face as it tries to work out the tongue and mouth movements when all of a sudden, BOOM! The baby says, “I love you” right back, shocking her mom!

What do you think? Watch the video and see it for yourself below.

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Source: YouTube, Shareably
