9 Health benefits of drinking a cup of hot water every day

Everyone loves water — it is a necessity for survival, of course! And we all like to think that we try to better our health each day.

It is common knowledge that we should be staying hydrated all day, every day, however what we may not know is that changing the temperature of the water can actually have a huge impact on our bodies.

It turns out that hot water just might be the key. In comparison to cold water, it has many benefits which are listed below.

1. Could prevent aging

You could potentially age faster if you have a lot of toxins in your body, so hot water is good for cleansing and getting rid of those toxins. It also helps repair skin cells which can increase the elasticity in your skin, therefore slowing aging.

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2. Could prevent acne

Similarly to the first reason, hot water helps flush the toxins out of your body. Another great result of this is less acne.

3. Good hair health

Drinking hot water can potentially give you soft and shiny hair, and who doesn’t want that? It is a great way to preserve the natural vitality of the hair.

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4. Weight loss

Drinking a cup of hot water first thing in the morning will increase your body’s temperature, which will then increase your metabolism and cause your body to burn more calories. It also helps to break down what is essentially body fat (AKA adipose tissues).

5. Relieves menstrual cramps

Drinking a cup of hot water while experiencing cramps will have similar effects of drinking a hot cup of tea. The warm temperature helps soothe your stomach and can decrease muscle spasms. The intensity of the cramps is lessened and you overall feel a more calming sensation.

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6. Treat nasal and throat congestion

Hot water is great to drink when you are feeling congested in your nose and/or throat. The hot water helps dissolve phlegm, therefore slowly calming a cough, cold or sore throat.

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7. Can detox the body

As mentioned, drinking hot water can increase your body’s temperature. This can help you to sweat, which is another excellent way to get out toxins and cleanse your body. Pro tip: add a squeeze of lemon to make it even better.

8. Easier digestion

Drinking hot water during a meal can actually prevent the oil from the food freezing up in your body (which sometimes happens when drinking cold water with a meal).

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9. Relieves constipation

Hot water helps loosen everything up and get things going, if you will. Especially if you drink it first thing in the morning, it will help stimulate your bowels so that they can process anything that is still in your system.

We all knew that water was a necessity in our every day lives, but we didn’t know heating it up could provide so many wonderful health benefits! Do you think you are more likely to enjoy a hot cup of hot water now that you know of all the wonderful pros?

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Source: Relieved
