9 natural ways to effectively kill weeds without using chemicals

Nothing is more frustrating to people with green thumbs than pesky weeds cropping up and invading their space. Many people are choosing to deal with this without using harsh chemicals, however. We’ve put together 9 effective and chemical-free solutions to get weeds out of your garden below.

Suffocate those weeds!

Pexels - Suzy Hazelwood Source: Pexels - Suzy Hazelwood

A very simple yet effective method for removing weeds from your garden involves suffocating them. This means cutting the weeds off from a direct source of sunlight. To do this, you can simply cover them in newspapers, cardboard, or similar material. This will prevent the sunlight from hitting the weeds. After awhile, they will die out as a result.

Your garden might look a little messy while you do this but it will all be worth it in the end.

Pexels - Anna Shvets Source: Pexels - Anna Shvets

Grow your lawn out.

This method is the laziest but it is also quite effective. Simply grow your lawn out to prevent weeds from cropping up. Thick grass prevents weeds from growing by simply taking up more space. Your neighbours might not like it but this is an effective way to get weeds out of your garden. You should also be mindful to not use too much fertilizer on your lawn if you are going this route, however, as even natural brands can have a negative impact on the grass.

Pexels - Clem Onojeghuo Source: Pexels - Clem Onojeghuo

Boiling water.

Pouring boiling water on weeds will kill them. This might sound like the most cruel way to do this but remember that weeds don’t have the ability to feel pain… or at least we don’t think they do. It is safe, effective, and incredibly cost-efficient.

Pexels - Castorly Stock Source: Pexels - Castorly Stock

Pour salt on the weeds.

Pouring salt on weeds will also kill them off. Experts say the most effective method is actually mixing two parts of boiling water with 1 part salt and then pouring that overtop of the weeds in your garden. This method is considered more effective than just using boiling water on its own.

Pexels - Kaboompics .com Source: Pexels - Kaboompics .com

Sprinkle baking soda on the weeds.

This is actually a good method to both kill weeds that have already sprouted up and to prevent further ones from doing so. Sprinkling baking soda over top of weeds will kill them but you can also sprinkle some in areas where weeds normally grow to prevent them from cropping up. In between the cracks of a patio surface, for instance.

Pexels - Chris F Source: Pexels - Chris F

Get your weeds drunk.

Weeds have a terrible tolerance for alcohol. They cannot handle their booze well at all. A great way to get weeds out of your garden is to get them good and drunk! 2 cups of water with 1 cup vodka can be put into a spray bottle and sprayed on the weeds. This will kill them off without the need for chemicals. You can also rotate between spraying the mixture on your garden and in your mouth, depending on how you like to feel while gardening.

Pexels - cottonbro Source: Pexels - cottonbro

An effective vinegar, salt, and citrus oil mix.

A less alcoholic but still effective mixture to get rid of weeds in your garden involves 1 gallon of vinegar mixed with 1 cup of salt and a dash of citrus oil. You can also add a little bit of dish soap. Put this mixture into a spray bottle and dose any area where weeds are starting to come through.

Pexels - Eva Elijas Source: Pexels - Eva Elijas

Cornmeal prevents weeds from reproducing.

Sprinkling cornmeal over top of weeds won’t kill them but it will make it harder for them to spread their seeds.

Pexels - Zen Chung Source: Pexels - Zen Chung

Pull out weeds by hand.

Very few people enjoy pulling weeds out with their hands and those that do probably have a low bar for what counts as fun. Still, this is easily the most effective and natural way to rid your garden of pesky weeds.

You can learn more about how to remove weeds from your garden without the use of chemicals in the video below.

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Source: Gardening Tips/Bob Villa
