9-year-old aspiring fashion designer has closet full of self-sewn outfits

Starting your career in 3rd grade sounds a bit crazy, doesn’t it? When most of us were in 3rd grade, all we had on our minds was school and watching cartoons.

But some kids are just way more competent than we were at their age, like this girl we’re about to read about.

Meet 9-year-old Kaia Aragon, who’s designing and sewing her own fashion designs already.

The 3rd grader has got the eye, and the hands, for design and fashion. Kaia, whose mom is Tonya Aragon, is impressing just about everyone.

Having the right eye to design things is impressive enough. But when you’ve got the dexterity and touch to sew them yourself too, then that’s just mind-blowing. Especially at her age.

It’s not hard to see why she’s on the news.

Kaia shares all her own designs on her mom’s TikTok account.

The 9-year-old is dedicated to her new hobby-turned-career. She’s made over 30 pieces already. Not many 3rd graders can say they have their own clothing collection.

Naturally, Kaia had to start somewhere. Her venture into making clothes started when her mom taught her how to sew when she was 5. Handling needles is dangerous at that age, but her mom proved to be a good teacher as we can all see.

Getting such an early start was the vital component that led to her success. Practice makes perfect, don’t you know?

Her mom even boasts that Kaia learned some of her own skills along the way. According to her, she’d only taught Kaia basic sewing techniques. Kaia managed to learn how to do complicated dresses and pieces on her own.

Kaia’s design process is just as cool. She doesn’t bother sketching designs on paper first.

The 9-year-old simply looks through the fabrics she has, and chooses the ones she thinks will look great.

And she usually turns out to be right.

She’s proven that skill is more important than talent – despite having both.

Now that she’s honing it, Kaia has a lot of potential.

Don’t believe me? Then maybe you’ll change your mind when you see that even Vera Wang has taken notice of Kaia.

But at her age, Kaia didn’t know who that was until her mom told her. Then she freaked out.

You don’t even need me or Kaia to tell you how impressive her work is.

Her designs speak for themselves. Show, don’t tell, they say.

Being a child prodigy is nice and all, but Kaia isn’t going to stay a child prodigy. She wants to keep doing what she’s doing and make it her career. That’s the spirit!

Kaia already has some idea of what her long-term goals are.

A fashion business with her best friend, for starters. With the promise she’s shown so far, I’m highly confident she can make it happen.

Pay her Instagram a visit and see just how good she is. I’m sure this story will peak the interest of someone you know too, so please give this article a share!

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Source: @kaiaraedesigns on Instagram, Today.com, Tonya (@middle.mom) on TikTok
