Community rallies to give dying dog one final snow day

When a pet has been with you long enough, you’ll do just about anything for the furry little thing. Be it dog or cat, they’ll capture your heart before you know it.

And that’s what makes saying goodbye so hard. But that’s what every pet owner has to go through eventually.

On Reddit, someone’s Bernese Mountain dog only had a short time left on this earth. It was a bittersweet post.

Posed by u/canadianbuilt, the post has about 3,000 upvotes now.

Pexels - Karen F Source: Pexels - Karen F

The post is about a “Berner” named Brooke. She was 11.5 years old already.

Anyone who’s had a dog knows that a decade is a pretty old age for any pooch, and Brooke was no exception. That age usually catches up to them, and it makes for some of the most bittersweet memories when you see your best friend struggling.

Our 11.5 year old Berner has a couple days left. She loves snow, but isn’t going to make it to winter. Does anyone know of any rinks or anything that has a good pile of snow behind them so she can go lay on the snow one last time?
byu/canadianbuilt inCalgary

Many dogs at that age start to show signs of pain or discomfort. Anything from joints to organs can start failing when dogs get elderly.

They aren’t going to be with you forever, after all. So you should always make sure the years they have are the best ones they’ll have. Being a Bernese mountain dog, Brooke loved the snow and anything cold.

Pexels - David Floyd Source: Pexels - David Floyd

She only had a few more days to live, and her owner wanted her to see the snow again.

But it would be a long time before winter showed up, and she wasn’t going to make it.

So u/canadianbuilt asked, “Does anyone know of any rinks or anything that has a good pile of snow behind them so she can go lay on the snow one last time?”

Pexels - Dagmar Klauzová Source: Pexels - Dagmar Klauzová

So what could they do to help sweet little Brooke? Well, miracles can happen when you have the internet.

The post got a lot of attention, if the 3,000 upvotes are anything to go by. Enough to get the attention of someone who could make it happen.

Some people at Bowness Sportsplex saw the post, and felt like doing something sweet for Brooke. She was going to pass away soon, after all.

Pexels - Gregory Wolf Source: Pexels - Gregory Wolf

So they took some snow from their indoor winter sports courses and dumped some outside for Brooke.

It wasn’t a whole lot of snow, but it was enough for Brooke to lay down in. She then passed away peacefully a few hours later.

Follow up from the hunt for snow. The amazing guys at Bowness Sportsplex immediately started dumping their snow outside for us. She passed away a few hours after getting her last snow fix.
byu/canadianbuilt inCalgary

It was very sad, but at least she passed away near something she loved.

OP described what a lovely dog Brooke was in the comments. He said Brooke was a “package deal” with his girlfriend, and was the world to them both.

Brooke adored the snow, as well as chilling indoors and watching movies with them. The dog really was the best friend either of them could ask for, and was part of their family.

Pexels - Alexander Dummer Source: Pexels - Alexander Dummer

So there were quite some waterworks when Brooke passed.

“I cried like I’ve never cried before, my girlfriend cried like she’s never cried before, my father in law cried…and he never shows emotion. Brooke was loved so so much, but she did so much more for us.”

Pexels - Andrew Nevins Source: Pexels - Andrew Nevins

We never have enough time with those we love – even pets. So always cherish them while they’re still here, and let them know you love them.

If you want to see OP’s post for yourself, then head on over to Reddit to read the whole thing. Kindly share this article with more people as well!

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Our 11.5 year old Berner has a couple days left. She loves snow, but isn’t going to make it to winter. Does anyone know of any rinks or anything that has a good pile of snow behind them so she can go lay on the snow one last time?
byu/canadianbuilt inCalgary

Source: u/canadianbuilt on Reddit, American Kennel Club
