32 Dancers break from Viennese tradition sweeping through ballroom with a “polka” dance

Attending a ball with a partner is one of the most anticipated events in a teenager’s life.

We are excited to wear our beautiful dresses and shoes and spend the evening sweeping across the ballroom floor in our lovely formal attire.

And one of the most anticipated parts of this is a routine that will be practiced every day after class.

A moment where students will gather and execute the dance with one another.

It the formal dance of tradition.

Jason Anderson Youtube Source: Jason Anderson Youtube

After practice, the students will look forward to the things that will turn them into princesses and princes. A night that will surely not be forgotten.

For sure, this is also the same feeling for the 16 couples who participated in the dance hosted by the Stanford Viennese Ball.

But they changed things up.

In this video, we witnessed the perfect execution of a polka dance.

Jason Anderson Youtube Source: Jason Anderson Youtube

According to the post by Jason Anderson, the students danced to the song “Auf der Jagd” or “On the Hunt” Polka op. 373 by Johann Strauss Jr. The dance was choreographed by Karen Law and Eric Sun.

The audience loved every step.

We can hear the applause and cheers from the crowd and feel the elegance of the night.

The routine was synchronized and well-presented by the students.

Jason Anderson Youtube Source: Jason Anderson Youtube

You can see how the girls elegantly moved their feet on the floor and how they gracefully waved their hands in the air.

The execution was spectacular.

Actually, the performance will bring you back to the old times. Way back in the 1960s or 1970s, people loved this kind of gathering.

The girls wear white silk dresses and gloves. The gentlemen wear neat black suits. A perfect combination, right? You’ll really know that they prepared for this night!

Jason Anderson Youtube Source: Jason Anderson Youtube

Dancers hopped and skipped nicely.

They executed it excellently.

The videos already have 190,000 views. One of the comments said that it was a beautiful and marvelous dance.

The followers also love what they are watching. They feel that they are also in that ballroom.

Jason Anderson Youtube Source: Jason Anderson Youtube

What is the Stanford Viennese Ball?

According to their website, the ball is an exciting Stanford event that includes social dancing, live music, entertainment, and live competitions.

It was founded in 1978 by Stanford-in-Austria students who were inspired by the colorful balls that took place in Vienna.

It usually starts with a lavish entrance. The first Standford Viennese Ball was attended by 350 students.

And if you want to watch these students dance or are looking forward to dancing in this event, you can do so.

Because the Viennese Ball is open to guests even if they are not studying at Standford University, no prior dance knowledge is required to attend.

But if you want to learn dancing, the organization invites you for fourteen days of free dance lessons on Standford Campus during their Austria Fortnight before the Ball.

Yep, they give free lessons!

The dance continues.

As of today, the ball continues to fill the dance floor with dancers like the students in the video.

They will be having their 45th Annual Stanford Viennese Ball on February 25, 2023.

We all hope that Stanford keeps the tradition alive and passes it on to the next generation. We all hope that youth will be encouraged to continue this kind of art.

See these dancers shatter tradition with their polka dance in the video below!

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: Stanford Viennese Ball Website, Jason Anderson Youtube, Stanford Viennese Ball Facebook Page
