This chatty foal has lots to say to her owner

We would be lying if we said animals weren’t interesting creatures. Whether it’s a horse or a dog or a bunny rabbit, they are constantly doing strange things and acting in odd ways that really make us curious about their behavior.

All animals do weird things sometimes, and we don’t always have an explanation for them. However, we do have to say that it is usually very entertaining and most likely adorable. So, even though we may not always understand what is happening, we can definitely confirm that we love watching it all go down.

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In June 2017, a clip of a baby horse was shared on the Internet and it went viral. Why, you ask? Because it was absolutely hilarious.

Basically, the foal was talking. Yes, you read that right. It is an extremely curious behavior and we have no idea what the horse was trying to say or why he was trying to say it, but it definitely had something on its mind.

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Many people wish their pets could talk and now this horse’s owner no longer had to wish. Her foal was talking and they were having a conversation. What were they talking about? She has no idea. But it doesn’t matter because it was a super cute bonding moment and wildly entertaining.

The horse, named Lola, almost sounded like it was losing its mind.

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“Hello! You are seriously cute! What are you saying?” Lola’s owner said, her voice filled with happiness. “Hi, baby!”

The more she talked to Lola, the more it encouraged her. Lola got up frantically and went to her owner. The more her owner responded, the more strange noises she made. It is as if she had something really important to say except, we couldn’t understand it, obviously.

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Lola continued to squeal and make loud noises with her mouth closed. After Lola seems to get everything she wants to say off her chest, she eventually gives up and slowly walks over to the back of the shed. One moment she is all riled up and the next moment, she is completely relaxed. Too cute.

The clip melted the hearts of many people on the Internet. Some people wondered if the cute little foal would continue to stay so vocal as she grew up, while other people joked that they don’t speak horse and they need whatever she was saying to be translated.

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Honestly, if we had to guess, Lola was probably saying something along the lines of, “Hi Mom. I’m so hungry. Please feed me and then let’s play outside all day.” We’re just guessing though.

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Other people said that whatever she is saying, it is probably important, while others pretended they they knew what she was saying and that they completely agreed.

One person even commented that the unusually chatty foal was saying, “No paparazzi, please!” We can see that. She is definitely going to be a star.

Watch the talkative foal chat it up in the video below.

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Source: Youtube / Animal Channel
