Good samaritans approach terrified, shaking dog – and the rescue is gripping hearts
Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video.
A passerby spotted a terrified dog cowering in her apartment complex. The dog had no idea that this was the beginning of a better life.
As the rescuer approached, the skinny dog ran to the corner of the complex. Soon, she had nowhere else to turn, so she looked on, clearly expecting the worst to happen.
The rescuer approached slowly, trying to calm the dog down. He told the dog that it was ok. But still, the fear remained in her eyes.
With nothing else to do, the little dog started growling at the rescuer.
So the rescuer brought out a leash on a stick. He hated to use one of these, but the dog could have hurt him.
As the stick approached, the dog kept on barking. She kept on biting at the leash, making it hard for the rescuer to get a grip on the animal.
Eventually, he managed to get the leash around her neck. He carefully pulled the leash, ensuring that the dog wasn’t hurt but was secure.
Then the rescuer had to slowly gain her trust. He extended a cloth. The dog kept on biting, but the rescuer kept on attempting to pet her with it.
After a while, the dog accepted the petting and stopped growling.
Then the rescuer started petting her with his bare hand. The dog also learned to accept this petting.
After 20 minutes, the rescuer was able to fit a more comfortable leash around the dog’s neck. Then he tried to pick her up onto his lap, but she started barking again.
But soon, the dog was on the rescuer’s lap, where she became comfortable.
Then he was able to pick her up and take to his car. She sat on the rescuer’s lap for the drive back. Already, she was becoming much more relaxed.
The rescue organization then posted a video update of the dog, whom they had named Holly, three weeks later.
The dog had become incredibly friendly. She was playing with other rescue dogs and happily running up to people.
A video of this rescue then appeared on YouTube, where it soon went viral.
To date, the video has gained over 11 million views. It also has more than 141,000 likes and 8,500 comments. People have been saying things like this:
Holly soon became firm friends with another dog at the rescue center, named Wally.
In fact, when someone said that they were interested in adopting Holly, the rescuers asked if she could adopt Wally as well. When the woman saw how close the dogs were, she couldn’t help but agree to take them both in.
No one knows just how Holly ended up in that apartment complex that day. Perhaps a former owner had grown tired of her, or perhaps her mother had lost her. Either way, she is now safe and sound.
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