10 clever comics that illustrate how sexism is still alive and well today

It won’t come as a surprise to anyone that men and women aren’t treated equally – but women suffer from sexism and its effects far more often.

That’s not saying that men don’t have legitimate gripes about the way societies stereotype them, but when women are constantly judged based on their sex it can get pretty exhausting.

Here are 10 illustrations of just how aggravating it is to be a woman sometimes:

1. It’s not about you

When will men stop believing that women wear makeup or certain kinds of clothing for them?

And why don’t we call men manipulative when they color their hair, wear a toupee, or dress a certain way?

Everyday Feminism Source: Everyday Feminism

2. Moms vs. Dads

Moms can’t seem to do anything right, but dads often get kudos for simply being around their kids.

That’s not a dad’s fault, of course, it’s just something onlookers should be conscious of before deciding where credit is due.

Chaunie Brusie via A different type of art/Facebook Source: Chaunie Brusie via A different type of art/Facebook

3. Damned if you do…

Commenting on a women’s face or appearance in general is just bad form.

Gentlemen (and other ladies), unless someone has somthing on their face that needs to be wiped off, just lay off the commentary.

Kate or Die! Source: Kate or Die!

4. That’s your problem

This one is so annoying.

And this isn’t about dressing for your body type either (even though people need to back off this idea too) – busty women are going to look busty no matter what they wear.

Maybe move your gaze up a few inchees and you’ll be less offended.

hollywoodtravel/Imgur Source: hollywoodtravel/Imgur

5. Mathematical manipulation

The minute a woman flubs something involving math it gets chalked up to her sex.

In fact, women are just as good at math as men when they’re not discouraged from studying it.

xkcd Source: xkcd

6. What a boob

Boobs are just part of the female body – get used to it.

And they have a job to do when a woman has an infant – let nature take its course and avert your gaze.

David Horsey / Los Angeles Times Source: David Horsey / Los Angeles Times

7. Women can’t win

Regardless of where you are on the political spectrum, it’s hard to argue with the fact that female candidates get criticized in an entirely different way.

Any show of emotion, for example, is a negative.

It’s so frustrating, especially when men on both sides can get irate and it’s considered “passion.”

Matt Bors/AlterNet Source: Matt Bors/AlterNet

8. A hairy situation

Body hair exists to protect us. There’s really no reason women should be expected to shave it off.

The idea that men and women should be physical opposites cuts both ways – and it’s toxic for everyone.

Justin Hubbell Source: Justin Hubbell

9. Pretending

If you’re dressing up for cosplay, the whole idea is that you’re using your imagination.

This subculture has a real problem with sexism and people really need to get over it.

Let people have their fun and do something more productive with your brain than judge someone else’s body.

AlexandraDal/DeviantArt Source: AlexandraDal/DeviantArt

10. Please mansplain it to me

Often, women are forced to be on the defensive at work in order to succeed and not be labeled a “bitch.”

Meanwhile, there’s a lot of behavior men can get away with and no one bats an eye.

Can they get away with everything? No. But that’s really not the point.

The Cooper Review Source: The Cooper Review

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