60 People whose snarky remarks were seriously spot-on

Some people are just too snarky for their own good. While the rest of us struggle to find the right words in any situation or are just to polite to say what everyone else is thinking, these people don’t hold back, dropping sassy comments and savage replies all over the internet and in real life. We’ve gathered together 60 of the snarkiest comments just for you. Enjoy.

1) Boom!

Having a height difference in a relationship doesn’t have to be a problem, and there are plenty of happy couples out there who overcome this little (or large) issue. But when you post about it online, you open yourself up to some snarky attacks, just like this one.

jadeqwylde Source: jadeqwylde

2) She’s Not Wrong

Some creepy dude standing too close on a rush hour train probably isn’t quite what this girl had in mind when she shared that photo.


3) Can We Sent Kylie Some Burn Cream?

The pretty girl in these photos does actually bear a striking resemblance to Kylie Jenner… before all the surgery.

lmaojuan Source: lmaojuan

4) Who Wants Salmonella For Dinner?

We have to agree with this snarky reply! Chicken needs to be cooked properly and, in this case, it looks like it still has a pulse. Put that stuff back in the oven!


5) Next Level Wordplay

This wordplay works on so many levels! Stockholm, of course, is the capitla of Sweden, and Stockholm Syndrome describes the situation when people who are held captive start to develop sympathy for their captors. So good!

chelsea_woah Source: chelsea_woah

6) Why Would Anyone Do This?

Seriously. Even doing a jigsaw puzzle can be frustrating enough with those complicated pictures and so much sky, why would you ever want to do one without an image to enjoy at the end?

Reddit Source: Reddit

7) Ouch!

This is harsh, but justified. Bragging about your looks is one thing, but if you think the only value people have is in their appearance, you need a reality check.

SpotlessMind Source: SpotlessMind

8) Good Boy

Wow! This pup sure did grow in just one year. And the comment is pretty accurate. That dog is taller, stronger, and tougher than his owner now!


9) Frosty

Shout out to all the young moms out there, doing the best they can. But we have to giggle at this frosty comment after a pregnant girl posted some prom photos.

KingFunch Source: KingFunch

10) She Really Is

It’s always funny when people make posts talking about how celebrities are more stylish or better-dressed than regular people. Of course they are! They’re way richer than the rest of us and can afford to do whatever they like.

xvkingg Source: xvkingg

11) Bad Hair Day?

This is a beautiful picture of a lovely lady smiling brightly, but as soon as you read that comment underneath, you just can’t unsee the fact that her head does look quite a lot like a tennis ball.

zontrill Source: zontrill

12) Give It A Try?

It sounds like this guy will do anything to get some time off work. But maybe pooping your pants is going a little too far.

lordua Source: lordua

13) And Leonardo Painted The Mona Lisa!

Fun fact: Many kids grew up watching the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles without ever realizing that they were all named after famous artists. We think this guy gets it though.

moprob1ems Source: moprob1ems

14) Plenty Of Time

This is the perfect snarky response to a comment like this! Sure, that guy might be muscular and fit in his 50s, but that just means every younger person has still got plenty of time left to enjoy pizza and burgers before hitting the gym.

Baba_Chu Source: Baba_Chu

15) He’s Not Wrong

The clever kid who answered this question with just one word technically isn’t wrong! That’s probably not the answer the exam writer was looking for, however.

Imgur Source: Imgur

16) A Gentlemanly Typo

Someone saw the typo on this sign and just couldn’t help themselves! They printed off a funny little reply and stuck it to the door.

Imgur Source: Imgur

17) Quick, Hide It!

Ever noticed how some signs are just terribly drawn? You can barely even see what they’re trying to convey, and this is a great example. The sign is probably saying something about washing your hands with soap, but one joker felt it looked more like someone trying to hide a potato.

Imgur Source: Imgur

18) Rise Up, Sisters

Boom! That’s how you respond to silly misogyny on the internet. Sassy spoon is living up to their name with this awesome reply.

Imgur Source: Imgur

19) That’s Just How Radio Works

To be fair to the original poster, they were probably just trying to make a philosophical point, but they chose a pretty poor way of expressing it. And they paid the price.

Imgur Source: Imgur

20) Tim’s Got A Point!

A lot of people like to share these ‘philosophical’ or ‘poetic’ statements on social media that really make you think. But if you think a little harder, most of them fall apart pretty easily, just like Tim proves here.

Imgur Source: Imgur

21) Not A Fair Fight

Really? You’re going to try and pick a fight with J. K. Rowling, one of the greatest writers of modern times? This can only end badly.

we-4re-golden Source: we-4re-golden

22) Even Wendy’s Are Getting In On The Action

Nowadays, thanks to social media, even big fast food brands can have a fun online personality and respond to their fans (or haters) in style. Wendy’s is one of the best around, always posting snarky replies to mean posters.

Imgur Source: Imgur

23) The Perfect Response

Nobody wants to have to deal with a dick pic they didn’t ask for, but this is a pretty good way of handling the situation and making the person who sent it feel pretty small, in more ways than one.

Imgur Source: Imgur

24) Don’t Mess With Tom

Ouch! Who knew MySpace Tom was so good at busting out sick burns? He makes a good point. A lot of people joke about the collapse of MySpace but Tom still made more money than anyone will ever need from it.

Imgur Source: Imgur

25) Not A Fan?

Clearly, whoever wrote this comment is not much of a fan of The Big Bang Theory. Everyone has their opinion on the show, and a lot of people happen to agree with this guy that the jokes really aren’t actually that funny.

Imgur Source: Imgur

26) Daaaaamn

This guy started up a conversation with a bad pick-up line and got put right in his place. To make the exchange even sweeter, the girl he was messaging even used a clever pun in her reply.

Imgur Source: Imgur

27) He Was Only Trying To Help

We’re not sure what this person did to deserve such a frosty reply! They were only offering some useful advice, but it backfired big-time.

Imgur Source: Imgur

28) Oh Dear, David

David thought he was going to be the big man, boasting about buying condoms on Facebook. His girlfriend completely stole the show and humiliated him in front of his friends with this reply.

Imgur Source: Imgur

29) Take Her To The Burn Ward

Many people would be too frightened to talk back to a family member, even if that person is being a little mean. Not this girl! She had the snappiest, sassiest, snarkiest reply when her aunt criticized her for eating too much.

Imgur Source: Imgur

30) Brotherly Love

Ouch, that stings! This little brother had the perfect comment all ready and waiting after his big bro tried to post something thoughtful and philosophical about new beginnings.

Imgur Source: Imgur

31) Why Not?

Even graffiti artists are joining in with the snarkiness here. Someone had written ‘Question Everything’ at the end of this tunnel, so another person came along and asked the obvious question: ‘Why?’

Imgur Source: Imgur

32) Fair Point

Bob, what are you doing eating 29 candy bars? You will absolutely get diabetes with behavior like that! Don’t you have any friends to share them around with?

Imgur Source: Imgur

33) He Followed Orders

This worker did exactly what he was told. Nothing more. Nothing less. Good job!

Imgur Source: Imgur

34) Well, Technically…

Usually, when you ask for something ‘on the side’, it means as a side order to go with the rest of your food. The cheeky worker at this Taco Bell decided to take it a little too literally and stick some sour cream right on the side of the taco.

Imgur Source: Imgur

35) Accurate

That’s probably not the answer they were looking for, but the question is pretty vague, so it deserves an equally vague response!

Imgur Source: Imgur

36) Students Have It Hard

People sometimes forget how hard life can be for modern students. Sure, going to school might seem easier than being out in the working world, but every single day of education costs a fortune! This student clearly got sick of being talked down to and decided to remind everyone about the realities of college life.

Imgur Source: Imgur

37) Sassy Siri

Boom! Siri is clearly getting smarter and smarter every single day. Not only can she answer almost any question, now she’s even making snarky notes just to annoy us.

Reddit Source: Reddit

38) So That’s How It Works!

Wow, who knew alcohol could give us such wonderful powers? A single glass of wine can turn you into Dr Dolittle, according to this ad.

Happy Place Source: Happy Place

39) Calm Down, Door

The English language can be a hilarious thing, in the hands of talented people. This clever commenter made a hilarious joke about the door being ‘alarmed’.

Xaxor Source: Xaxor

40) That’ll Work

It seems like whoever owned this building was sick and tired of folks walking up and using the wrong door. Instead of politely reminding them that the real entrance was around the corner, they made this rather angry sign to teach everyone a lesson.

Imgur Source: Imgur

41) That’s A Pick-Up Line!

Again, we have a clever poster-writer finding unintentional humor in a simple sign. The ‘pick-up line’ is supposed to be for people picking up prescription orders, but someone read it a little differently.

Imgur Source: Imgur

42) Seriously?

Whoever wrote this is clearly very passionate about seahorses! Although they do make a pretty fair point. Why would you want to have boring barnacles sitting in an aquarium doing nothing all day when you could have something beautiful and exotic like a seahorse?

Imgur Source: Imgur

43) The Perfect Response For Passive Aggressive Behavior

Someone was being a little too passive-aggressive about this toilet paper tube not being put in the trash, so one of their friends decided to tease them with this hilarious response.

Imgur Source: Imgur

44) What A Contradiction

Weirdly, this person said they weren’t a taxi and then said they wanted to be paid for driving people around. Just like a taxi. It makes no sense at all.

Imgur Source: Imgur

45) They’re Probably Right

If someone can hack into your account so easily and post teasing messages like this, you probably aren’t going to find them any time soon.

Imgur Source: Imgur

46) Just A Little Obtuse

People misspell words all the time, and one of the worst culprits is when people write ‘angle’ instead of ‘angel’. Luckily, cheeky commenters like this one are always standing by, ready to point out their mistakes in the funniest way possible.

Imgur Source: Imgur

47) YEAH!

You’ll only really get this one if you know a little about photography. And if you ever watched CSI: Miami.

Imgur Source: Imgur

48) What Did He Have Under That Thing?

There’s really not a lot of difference between these two photos, but the guy claims to weigh five kilos less in the second one! It must have been the hat. Was he hiding a brick under there?

Imgur Source: Imgur

49) That’s Quite A Power

After someone brought up the subject of liquids, this guy couldn’t resist making a self-deprecating alcohol joke.

Imgur Source: Imgur

50) Typing Like This Is Only For Titles

Seriously, why do so many people insist on Typing Like This all the time? It just looks messy. We have grammar rules for a reason.

Imgur Source: Imgur

51) Jason Derulooo

Some people love the sound of their own voice. Others love the sound of their own name. Jason Derulo loves both.


52) Wow!

A power shower can be nice with a few little massage jets and nice warm water, but these designs are going way too far! Most people would struggle to even stay standing under all that water pressure.


53) Not What They Had In Mind

A restaurant left out these comment cards with little pencils for people to fill in and provide feedback. Here’s what one snarky customer decided to write.

Imgur Source: Imgur

54) That’s Deep

This comment is frosty, but oh so deep! So many of us wish to be all grown-up when we’re younger. Then we end up wishing to be kids all over again when we get older.

soLEXsaid Source: soLEXsaid

55) What A Grumpy Guy

Clearly, this snarky dude has little faith left in humanity. But we can see where he’s coming from. It’s a tough old world out there and sometimes, all you want is to curl up somewhere warm and cozy with your pet pup.

nicksonr_ Source: nicksonr_

56) Exposed!

A lot of people like to lie or ‘stretch the truth’ on social media to make themselves out to seem like a hero. You just need to be careful about who sees it, because they can very quickly call you out and make you look super silly.

DanyelleDenton Source: DanyelleDenton

57) What’s Wrong With Subtitles?

Some people seem to have a burning hatred of subtitles. Why is that? Maybe, as this guy suggests, it’s just because they feel self-conscious about their reading abilities.

jacobammm Source: jacobammm

58) At Least It’s Something Good

This girl was expecting people to respond with stories about the lovely messages they got from their partners, but Stephen brought her back down to Earth by posting the one and only message most of us ever see in the mornings.

okstephenadd Source: okstephenadd

59) Too True

Why does everything weird seem to happen in Florida? It’s like they have no rules at all over there.

daaaaaaamnD Source: daaaaaaamnD

60) So On Point

This is such a fair point! If you want to use a bear symbol on your state flag, you need to own it all the way! The bear just thought it was being invited into the building.

draganakaurin Source: draganakaurin

Wow. If there was even a super snark-off championship, these folks would definitely be invited! They posted the perfect comments and had the most hilarious responses to every situation. Do you have a sassy friend in your life who always seems to say the snarkiest thing at just the right time? Share the list with them, as well as your other friends and family!
