Pit bull abandoned at fast food restaurant dishes out unlimited kisses once she's rescued

When Hope for Paws heard that there was a dog abandoned by a fast food restaurant, they immediately rushed over to rescue it.

JoAnn Wiltz and Alex Babcock arrived to find the pit bull, which they named Kisses, sitting in front of a dumpster.

The woman spoke brightly to the dog and asked if she was hungry. While the dog wasn’t immediately scared off by them, she retreated when they came closer.

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Kisses fled into the dumpster shed and cowered behind one of the dumpsters.

“It’s so NOT OK when dogs find themselves abandoned, scared, and hiding in trash rooms! Luckily, someone knew to call Hope For Paws for help,” the L.A.-based dog rescue wrote on their Facebook page.

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It wasn’t long after the women arrived that a garbage truck showed up to cart off the dumpsters.

They kindly asked the sanitation workers if they wouldn’t mind waiting until they had the dog leashed.

They were on a time schedule, but they agreed. The two women entered the dumpster shed to find Kisses in the far corner.

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Instead of spooking the dog, who was already unnerved by the loud truck, they gently held out a hamburger and tried to coax the dog toward them.

It was mostly girls’ dream: she was being fed while also being called pretty. But apparently not Kisses’ dream because she needed a little more convincing.

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It seemed like she wanted to go toward the women, but she wasn’t sure if she could trust them not to harm her.

It seems like she was used to humans but may not have had the best experience with them in the past.

The woman tossed a piece of the burger her way and then made a burger trail toward them.

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Eventually, they were able to get close enough to put a catching stick around the dog’s neck while distracting her with a burger.

The sanitation workers had to do their job, so the women had to get out of there quickly. Thankfully, once Kisses was leashed, she was able to be gently walked out of the dumpster shed.

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The women thanked the sanitation workers for their patience and continued to take their time with Kisses in the parking lot.

Kisses was so comfortable with them that she rolled over onto her belly while they fed her some more.

The women started petting Kisses and soon realized that their hands turned black from it.

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This dog was totally filthy. They gave her a bath as soon as they returned to the rescue. It wasn’t surprising that the water was grey as all the filth went down the drain.

They even used a nice toothbrush on the pit bull’s fur to get all the grime out. Surprisingly enough, there were actually parts of Kisses that were white.

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According to PetPedia, pit bulls make up about 50 percent of total dog intakes at shelters.

Kisses was placed with It’s The Pits Dog Rescue and eventually put up for adoption.

You can check out Kisses rescue in the video below.

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Source: Hope For Paws – Official Rescue Channel, PetPedia
