Abandoned dog left tied to bridge railing on busy road learns people can love

A beautiful rescue took place on a roadside in Vietnam.

Some people will go to great lengths to abandon pets, and it’s a recurring problem of animal cruelty. Rescuers learned of this dog after someone spotted it on the roadside.

YouTube screenshot - jankovke Source: YouTube screenshot - jankovke

The road was busy and the dog was alone.

Rescuers wasted no time driving to the dog’s location, but it was a long way to drive.

Makes one think of how far this dog’s previous caretakers went to leave it. Wherever its actual home was, it was very far away from it now.

It must have been quite the shocking, jarring change of scenery for the poor thing.

YouTube screenshot - jankovke Source: YouTube screenshot - jankovke

The rescuer arrived at the scene.

It was on a large bridge with a metal guardrail. Leash around its neck, the dog was tied uncomfortably to the bridge’s railing in the middle of who-knows-where.

Worst of it all, the leash was tied in a way that prevented the dog from resting its head.

YouTube screenshot - jankovke Source: YouTube screenshot - jankovke

Now the dog was abandoned, alone, and scared. It’s not out of the question to suspect she was traumatized by the whole ordeal too.

These animal rescuers really had their work cut out for them with this one. They began comforting the dog, something the pooch desperately needed. Next was to free the dog.

It had an old hose tied around its neck.

YouTube screenshot - jankovke Source: YouTube screenshot - jankovke

Not only was it dealing with the shock and fear of abandonment, but it also had the most uncomfortable restraint on its neck.

After untying him from the rail, he was still very scared.

Some consolation and reassurance were in order, so he gives her a few pets and rubs. I guess those mean the world to a scared dog, no?

YouTube screenshot - jankovke Source: YouTube screenshot - jankovke

And what else can calm a scared down beside some treats?

Luckily, the rescuer brought some.

We’ve all turned to food to help ourselves during rough times, so we know what it’s like. Eat up, little doggo. You deserve it!

There’s even a fancy little plate for the dog to eat from. Fine dining in the middle of nowhere, are we?

YouTube screenshot - jankovke Source: YouTube screenshot - jankovke

He gives the dog some water to wash it down too.

It must have been really thirsty since no one knows how long it was out on that bridge. It’s a crime to abandon an animal in many parts of the world.

Though, these laws don’t exist in every country, making it something that still happens.

YouTube screenshot - jankovke Source: YouTube screenshot - jankovke

While this didn’t completely make everything better, it clearly cheered up the dog enough. Hey, baby steps.

Once the blues were washed away with food and water, it was time to bring the dog back to a safe place. This ended up being a grassy field where it was pets, rubs, and playtime all day.

The whole rescue was a success, and the results are pretty clear from the dog.

Now she’s a whole lot happier.

Exactly what we wanted to see!

YouTube screenshot - jankovke Source: YouTube screenshot - jankovke

You’d never guess this dog was scared and tied to a bridge just from looking.

Watch his beautiful rescue below!

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Source: jankovke on YouTube, Abandoned pets on Wikipedia
