Abandoned and severely malnourished puppies rescued in the nick of time

Kennesaw, Georgia’s Mostly Mutts Animal Rescue provides wounded, abused, and neglected canines with a second shot at life. They work collaboratively with animal control authorities to save abandoned dogs and provide them with the necessary care and affection.

Recently, they rescued five very malnourished and mistreated dogs from animal control. Due to mange, the puppies’ coats were bald and covered with scabs.

The dogs were in a bad shape.

They were underweight, had secondary skin diseases, and some of them had swollen paws that made it difficult for them to move and walk around.

The pups were given different shades of pink as names: Rose, Rouge, Magenta, and Fuschia. Berry was the sole guy in the group.

They were given all the care they needed.

They were given some food, drink, and lots of cuddles before they all found loving foster homes. For the first time in their lives, the puppies are being lavished with affection and care.

Fostering Rose and Rouge on her own initiative, Whitney Horne has been documenting their progress on Instagram. She wrote, “While Rose was improving every day with the prescribed meds and regimen, Rouge was actually declining.”

Rouge’s health continued to worsen.

Rouge would eat food and take her prescriptions, but her weight loss persisted. Horne observed Rose holding her fragile sister’s head when the sisters were cuddling.

“OMG, the girls are pretty puny, but my heart just melted spotting Rose holding her weaker sister’s head like this. I can’t even,” she said.

Rouge’s condition worsened, so Horne rushed her to the emergency veterinarian.

Vets found that she was suffering from renal failure. She is slowly beginning to recuperate because of everyone’s rapid responses.

“Thankfully, she had a great first foster, Whitney Horne, who quickly recognized the signs of distress,” the animal rescue posted on Facebook.

The poor girl is finally out of danger.

Jennifer Travis, Rouge’s new foster mom, works as a veterinary technician at Kennesaw Mountain Veterinary Services. Travis brings the dog home every night and gives round-the-clock care. Rouge is taking pleasure in the attention and her medicated baths.

“Her bloodwork is improving slightly, but not perfect so she’s continuing to get round-the-clock care. She has started gaining weight instead of losing it so that’s huge,” Horne wrote.

She’s recovering but is still “not out of the woods.”

The other puppies are healthy, and some of them have even begun to develop “peach fuzz.” Because of the kind staff, caring foster families, and kind donors, they are all on the way to recovery.

“Thanks to your generosity, we could act quickly without thought to the cost of medical care for these very sad puppies,” the shelter posted.

Let’s all keep the beautiful pups in our prayers!

May they continue to recover and live long, happy dog lives. Every dog deserves to be healthy and loved.

To show our appreciation for what they do, feel free to follow Mostly Mutts on Facebook and Whitney on Instagram to get updates on the pups’ recovery.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: The Animal Rescue Site
