Lion cub that had legs broken to take pictures with tourists is rescued by rescuers

It’s never ok to keep a wild animal captive just for human amusement. But some creatures are treated far worse than others – and Simba’s story is particularly horrific.

In fact, it’s hard to believe that humans are capable of such cruelty just to make a few bucks. And it’s equally disappointing that people go to animal shows to gawk when they know their money is simply going to fund this behavior.

Make no mistake, it happens all over the world.

Simba’s story

Simba was the victim of alarming physical abuse by his captors.

He was stolen from his mother while just a cub and purposely injured so he could not escape and would stay still for photo sessions.

Instagram Source: Instagram

His whole life became operating as part of a Russian tourist attraction.

The abuse continues

Of course, lion cubs grow quickly and his abusers knew they would be in trouble if he was ever strong enough to fight back. So they made sure it wouldn’t happen.

They broke the legs and wounded the spine, ensuring that he couldn’t move at all unless they carried him.

It makes you wonder if people visiting didn’t wonder how a lion cub got to be so “tame” and inactive. But people brought their children and reveled in the opportunity to see a wild creature up close.

Simba’s luck turns around

All it takes is one person to do the right thing. And as soon as the now-juvenile cub’s captivity and condition were reported, a rescue effort was mounted to get him to safety and try to rehabilitate the animal before he died.

They found him in bad shape and death was certain if he wasn’t immediately removed.

Instagram Source: Instagram

Sadly, by the time he was rescued, his injuries were so severe from beatings and torture they required invasive operations to set him on the right path. But after Simba’s medical treatment and some love and care, the road to recovery looked bright.

And as news spread about the condition in which he was found, even Russian leader Vladimir Putin stepped in to ensure that there would be a full investigation into who was responsible.

A new life

The lion acquired the name Simba from his rescuers. And they set about taking extra-special care of him so he had some chance of putting the misery of his early life behind him.

Instagram Source: Instagram

But since he had been captured as a cub, he never learned how to be a lion. He couldn’t move well much less hunt. And releasing him into the wild would have been just as deadly as leaving him with his abusers.

Still, the rescuers have been doing what they can to get him to trust humans so that they can help him learn to walk and clean himself and interact with other creatures.

A true hero

One person played a particularly large role in Simba’s recovery – and that’s Russian veterinarian, Karen Dallakyan.

Simba is not the first animal he’s saved from a life of cruelty either.

YouTube Source: YouTube

He’s used to seeing animals abused for human gain, but he doesn’t let the horror and sadness stop him from getting involved in helping these creatures.

Just look at Simba after some kind treatment!

Instagram Source: Instagram

You can help

Stories like this are horrifying, and no matter where in the world you live, you can make sure never to partake in the use of animals for human profit. Any organization that houses wild animals should have a mission to protect the individuals and the species.

It should go without saying that you can donate to institutions that focus on animal welfare all over the world with just the click of a button. If you’d like to help Simba’s rescuers, you can click here, for example.

Instagram Source: Instagram

Simba’s recovery is proof that people can stop animal cruelty.

And we know there are many animals still out there in need of help.

Instagram Source: Instagram

One year after his rescue, Simba was a healthy lion.

He’s spent too much time around humans to have a normal life, but those who love him are doing everything they can to make sure the life he can have is a happy and safe one.

Instagram Source: Instagram

Check out some more photos of Simba and his recovery on Karen’s Instagram page!

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: Bored Panda, Instagram – @karendallakyan
