Bunny jumping competitions are a real thing and they're absolutely adorable

Rabbits are some of the most adorable creatures on this planet. They hop around, they make cute noises, and they’re often so fluffy that you want to hug them.

Rabbits are social animals, and they will be best suited if you have another rabbit to keep them company. It is also important that you provide a large area for your rabbit to play in, as they love exploring and will enjoy having space to run around.

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Rabbits make for such adorable pets.

Rabbits are also curious animals and will often explore new objects in their environment, so make sure your rabbit has plenty of toys or other items which they can play with or chew on.

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What if I told you there are actual bunny jumping competitions? Although it’s a lot rarer than dog or cat competitions, they do exist, and you would wonder why these competitions are not a thing everywhere.

Bunny jumping competitions are fun!

A bunny jumping competition is a contest where rabbits jump over a series of colorful obstacles. The obstacles are typically made out of plastic or cardboard, but sometimes they’re made from other things such as hay bales.

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They can be in different shapes and sizes and may have different patterns on them.

Then, the rabbits are judged based on performance.

They are judged based on how well they jump over the hurdles and how many times they make it to the end without knocking down any hurdles.

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Some people think that training rabbits to jump is cruel because it’s hard on their knees, but most people agree that it actually helps make them stronger and healthier.

Training is good for them.

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The best way to train your bunny is with clicker training. All you need is a clicker and a treat. First, you’ll want to start by getting your rabbit comfortable with the sound of the clicker itself by clicking it several times without giving him any treats.

The second step involves giving your rabbit a treat every time he jumps over an obstacle such as a bar or pole (or whatever else you might have lying around).

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It is that simple!

The Rabbit Grand National is an annual event, which takes place in Harrogate, England. It is a race for rabbits.

The event was started as a charity event to raise money for animal welfare charities.

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A video of the event was shared on Youtube.

You can hardly blame the rabbit owners, who are clearly proud of their fluffy pets. The videos have been viewed over 11 million times on Youtube, and we understand why!

Their little bunnies look so cute as they run around a course and jump over hurdles.

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Rabbits are so incredibly adorable. Their soft fur and floppy ears, their long tails and big eyes, the way they hop around on those cute little legs. They’re just so precious!

If you have ever wanted to see some cute bunnies jumping, then look no further. Here is a video of the rabbit competition you should not miss out on.

This will surely put a smile on your face!

Check out the video below to see the cute bunny competition for yourself.

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Source: Youtube, The Kids Should See This
