Adorable cat sneaks into cookie jar and takes a bite out of every cookie

It’s pretty hard to keep people away from cookie jars, let alone pets! The owners of the adorable cat who listens to name Nellie have noticed very quickly that she absolutely adores food. In fact, food is probably the most important thing in her life and Nellie will do just about anything to get her delicious treats.
Nellie’s owners even took this to their advantage, and managed to learn her a few tricks by rewarding her with treats!

“She lives to eat instead of eating to live,” owner Allison Riebel said to The Dodo. “She loves her cat food and she loves her cat treats. We use her love of snacks to practice learning tricks. She’s become good at sit, high five and loves to play fetch.”
Even though Nellie is just too cute to describe with words and has a very sweet and loving personality, she does have a bit of a mischievous side to her. In fact, she’ll often end up in places that she’s allowed to be, or sometimes gets stuck! The cat’s owners have tried over and over again to keep the treats hidden and safe from feline antics, but Nellie always managed to one-up them.

Allison is actually a veterinary student and a volunteer, and one day she baked a whole bunch of cookies to hand out to fellow volunteers.
The cookies were meant for volunteers of the Wildlife Medical Clinic at the University of Illinois, but they actually ended up somewhere else. Let’s just say that Nellie noticed the cookies as well, and she couldn’t help but take a bite out of every single one of them.
Mom thought that she hid the cookies properly in a sealed Tupperware box, but even a sealed cookie box couldn’t stop Nellie from getting a taste.
“Nellie somehow opened the container and took all the cookies out and onto the floor,” Riebel said. “The funny thing is I know she took them all out separately because if she had just knocked them out of the container, the cookies would have broken. But they were spread out across our dining room floor with little bites out of each. So she took them all out separately and chopped them all separately and did it quietly enough to not get noticed.”

Nellie’s plan almost went flawlessly, but then the cat managed to knock something over which alerted Allison.
She was busy studying but wanted to see what fell and came back downstairs. She was quite surprised by what she saw next, as all of the cookies were laying on the floor, and there was a tiny bite taken out of every single one of them! It’s actually really adorable to see these tiny bites, and it sure looks like Nellie had quite some fun tasting them.

“She did not seem guilty,” Riebel said. “She plays it off very well. It’s both infuriating and hilarious. She’s very proud of herself.”
We’re pretty sure that Allison will have to find an even better and safer hiding spot for her next batch of cookies!
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Source: Allison Riebel – The Dodo