Adorable Rottweiler steals family’s bread to keep it safe every time they leave

The Rottweiler breed has long been known for their tendency to be fiercely loyal and protective over their families. It’s what makes them one of the top guard dogs and probably has quite a bit to do with why they were the first breed to become police dogs.

Most dogs will stoically guard the house while their owners are away, but not Jakey. This Rottweiler stands guard over something she thinks is far more valuable; bread.

Katrina Frank/The Dodo Source: Katrina Frank/The Dodo

According to Jakey’s mom, Katrina Frank, her sweet, silly Rottie developed this strange habit after the family relocated to their farm. Apparently, it wasn’t going to be a random thing either.

The protective Rottie started stealing bread every time her humans left the house.

She started this four years ago when we moved to our farm. Every time we would leave she would hide the bread,” Jakey’s mom explained in an interview with The Dodo.

Katrina Frank/The Dodo Source: Katrina Frank/The Dodo

Another thing that Jakey’s breed is known for is their superior sense of smell.

That’s why they make for such great tracking and narcotics dogs. Nothing gets by them, and this Rottweiler is no different. Other than what she chooses to sniff out, that is.

Jakey’s nose seems to be particularly attuned to sniffing out baked goods. As soon as she knows she’s alone, she lets her sniffer lead the way and she makes off with the precious bread.

It’s not as if the bread is simply lying out on the counter, either. Katrina has tried quite a few methods of keeping the bread locked up, but her Rottweiler doesn’t let anything get in the way of protecting the family bread.

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Just doing my job, guys.

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We have a bread box so she likes to hop up and pull it out of there. If I leave it in the pantry instead, she nudges the door open and gets it out. I’ve put it in the refrigerator before and she has opened the door to get to it,” Katrina said about her dog’s bread-protective services.

Clearly, Jakey knows the bread is much, much safer with her than anywhere else.

When the silly Rottie’s family returns, she gives them the cutest look of guilt before leading them to the carbs she so proudly protected. Even though she looks like she’s done something wrong, her mom says Jakey has never stolen any to eat as a reward for herself.

She likes to put it behind the couch and lay by it. Otherwise, [she puts it in] the closet in my bedroom. I assume she thinks it’s the most important thing to us because we use it so often,” Katrina theorizes.

Katrina Frank/The Dodo Source: Katrina Frank/The Dodo

If the Rottie’s family happens to be out of bread when they leave, she moves onto the next most valuable thing in the house. The cookies.

According to Katrina, her devoted dog will even go as far as to hide each baked item in its own little spot. So if someone does get past her, they won’t get all the goods. We highly doubt anyone could get past this cutie, though.

If I’m out of bread, she moves on to baked goods. Once she took a Tupperware of cookies off the counter and hid all 17 individually without breaking any. She led me to all of them,” Jakey’s mom recalls.

Of course, if there doesn’t happen to be any baked goods at all in the house, Jakey still does her job. She guards the butter, instead. To see an adorable video of Jakey leading her mom to the bread she so bravely protected, watch the video below and follow her on Instagram.

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Source: Katrina Frank/The Dodo/Jakey Breaky Heart
