Alabama city council make buying and selling from puppy mills illegal

With over 10,000 puppy mills found across the U.S, the dog breeding industry breeds about 2 million puppies each year. This is in stark contrast to the over 1 million dogs that are euthanized in shelters across the country.

A town in Alabama has decided to take a stand against the practice and hopefully save some dogs in the process.

Madison, Alabama makes it illegal to sell dogs from puppy mills Source:

In a move cheered by animal lovers everywhere, the city council of the city of Madison, Alabama has struck a blow against puppy mills.

Called such because they churn out puppies for sale at an alarming rate, puppy mills have been accused of keeping their breeding dogs in abhorrent conditions.

What the ordinance entails

Pxhere – CC0 Public Domain Source: Pxhere – CC0 Public Domain

According to the new ordinance, all dogs and cats sold in retail locations within the city limits of Madison must come from either an animal shelter or a rescue organization.

The animals sold must also be at least eight weeks old.

Greater Birmingham Humane Society – Courtney Underwood via People Source: Greater Birmingham Humane Society – Courtney Underwood via People

Furthermore, stores selling cats and dogs must keep detailed records of the organizations that they get the animals from and put that information on the cage of each animal up for sale.

The new ordinance, which went into effect in January 2021, makes Madison the eleventh city in Alabama to adopt such a law.

This is a huge win for dogs not just in Madison, but everywhere.

Greater Birmingham Humane Society – Courtney Underwood via People Source: Greater Birmingham Humane Society – Courtney Underwood via People

The ordinance was passed to protect animals from the conditions of puppy mills, which are said to be horrific in many cases.

In many instances, the owners of puppy mills will cut corners to increase profits, with the animals at such mills suffering as a result.

ASPCA hopes to rehome dogs rescued from Alabama puppy mills Source:

The ASPCA and other organizations operating in Alabama have worked diligently to rehome many of the dogs and cats rescued from the puppy mills in Alabama.

As a part of their efforts, the ASPCA in particular has begun transporting the dogs to organizations in at least 11 states to be put up for adoptions.

Found in excrement-caked conditions Source:

In one instance, over 80 dogs were rescued from what at first was thought to be a hoarding situation. After further investigation, it was discovered that the home was actually operating as a puppy mill.

The 80 dogs had been living in excrement-caked conditions. Source:

β€œMany of the animals, some of which are in the late stages of pregnancy, were crammed two to three in a wire cage. Dogs were together in stacked inadequate, wire-bottom cages and crates caked in excrement and filth. Most of the dogs are suffering from abscessed teeth and gum infections, along with other illnesses,” the Greater Birmingham Humane Society shared in a statement about the rescue.

How you can stop puppy mills

The Humane Society of the U.S. – Michelle Riley Source: The Humane Society of the U.S. – Michelle Riley

If you want to help in the fight against puppy mills, there are some steps you can take.

This includes contacting your state legislators to enact laws to put a stop to the abhorrent conditions found in puppy mills.

Talk to your local pet stores to make sure that they are puppy-friendly, and writing a letter to the editor of your local newspaper to get the word out about puppy mills.

For more on Madison’s puppy mill ban, see the video below!

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: News19

H/T: The Animal Rescue Site, People,, The Humane Society of the United States
