Amazon driver takes a wrong turn and ends up saving a life

John Cassabria has owns 4 dogs, 4 cats, and a pet snake, so it’s safe to say he’s an animal lover.

The 24-year-old Amazon driver was delivering packages a few weeks ago in Woburn, Massachusetts when he came across an animal in need. But he wasn’t even supposed to be in the neighborhood.

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A sweet 14-year-old Husky named Luka was sure glad he took a wrong turn that day though.

When Cassabria stopped to check his GPS and reroute his van, that’s when he heard a disturbing noise.

“I’ve never heard anything like that in my life,” he told CNN. “I actually heard it over the reversing beep of my van.”

It was Luka.

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“The noise I heard was still so indescribable,” Cassabria told The Dodo. “It was something like a siren raid mixed with howling — like how the wind howls through the tree branches.”

Cassabria followed the noise which was coming from a fenced-in yard. But as he peered over the gate, he saw the pup struggling.

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“I saw a dog — the dog being Luka– barely standing in the pool,'” Cassabria said. “My heart sank as if I was watching an ASPCA commercial from 2005 when they played Sarah McLachlan’s ‘Angel.”

That commercial is going to haunt us all forever.

But Cassabria has to pull himself together because Luka needed help. He was just too tired to keep treading water. If he didn’t get help soon, he was going to drown.

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“As soon as I knew what it was, the sound was no longer interesting, it was alarming,” Cassabria told The Dodo. “My heart sank. I wasn’t sure until I physically got to him that he was still with us, and all I could think about was getting him out of the pool and making sure that he was safe.”

That’s when Luka’s rescuer hopped the fence and dragged him to safety.

“I dove into the pool with my shoes, wallet, car keys– the whole nine,” he told KCTV 5 News. “And I swam with him (Luka) in my arms the best I could hold him from the midway point of the pool to the shallow end and hoisted him and myself out of the pool.”

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Somehow, Cassabria had his head together enough at the moment to leave the phone in a dry place so it was still capable of calling the police.

And in another lucky moment for Luka, the animal control officer lived close by and knew the owners of the home.

The Caldwell family was on a trip to the cape when they got the call about Luka. It turns out that his dog-sitter hadn’t arrived yet and he had never before gotten through the fence.

“We have a doggie door and he’s used that doggie door for 15 summers,” said Julie Caldwell. “He goes outside, goes right to the bathroom, and normally goes back in and stays in the air conditioned house.”

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But this time it sounds like Luka wanted to go for a dip.

“This came as a complete shock to us,” she said.

Not only did the Caldwell finally thank Cassabria profusely, they even wrote an email to Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos informing him of the heroic effort.

“I can’t thank him enough,” Caldwell wrote in the email, a copy of which an Amazon spokesperson shared with CNN. “Words cannot express how grateful we are to him. In fact, I have tears in my eyes as I write this email. Luka is doing fine thanks to your wonderful and courageous employee.”

It took Luka a bit, but he is, indeed, doing great.

“After he was out of the pool, he was very shook up, very scared,” Cassabria said. “He didn’t want me to leave his side. Every time I would go to get up, he would hit me with his paw or nudge me — so I stayed with him the entire time.”

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While the word hero has been thrown around quite a bit, the driver said it’s what any dog owner would have done.

Be sure to scroll down below for an interview with everyone involved.

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Source: KCTV 5, CNN, The Dodo, YouTube – CBS Boston
