Guardian angel climbs onto a dangerous ledge to help kitten wedged in store gate

Cats are known to enjoy hiding in small places. Whether they are stray or family pets, they tend to hide inside drawers, behind fridges, in clothes dryers, washing machines, or even under cars. This is because they feel comfy and safe in small places, especially when they want to take a nap.

However, these hiding places can often be dangerous for them, even if they don’t realize it. Like our friend in the video that follows, who decided it was a good idea to hide inside a store gate- but had no idea how to get out of there.
Luckily for him, there was a hero around, who heard the kitten’s meows and rushed to help. Soon, several people gathered around him trying to encourage him or give him ideas about how to take the cat out of there.

At the beginning of the video, people can be heard urging the man to take it out.
“And you got to get her out,” we can hear someone say, “because if that gate closes tonight, it’s gonna crush her.”
A woman hears this and gets really worried about the little animal. She suggests she call 911 and they all agree. But, in the meantime, the man tries to help the kitten as best he can.

The man tries to put his hands inside the gate track and figure out how easy it will be to free the cat. He also attempts to loosen the track in order to make some kind of opening for the cat to pass, but he soon realizes that this is metal and it’s not going to work.
Then the man decides to try something else: grab one of the cat’s legs and slowly pull her out. And the guy filming the whole thing encourages him to do so.
“I think from the right angle, [you] can possibly get her out,” he says.
And, after a few fruitless tries, the man decides he might need to grab the kitten from its ears. In fact, he has a point: pulling it out head-first might help it walk out by itself.

“Maybe if you get her head out she’ll walk out,” the other man can be heard suggesting.
The man tries to do that instead, and after some more attempts, he slowly starts to pull out the little kitten. Everyone around him gets excited to see the little kitty, and the man immediately lays the little animal on his chest so that it feels safe again. Paul, as is the hero’s name, looks so relieved when he realizes the cat is unharmed.

A couple of days later, the kitty, which proved to be a boy, was adopted by a man who decided to offer him his forever home. He was given the name Tigger and, as far as we can see, he is having a great time in his new home with his new daddy!
If you want to see how Tigger was saved, you can watch the video below.
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