Aquarium lets rescue animals explore during lockdown – and the photos are absolutely priceless

Cats love fish, everyone knows that. They enjoy eating them and watching them swim in home aquariums while fantasizing about catching and eating them.

So, what better way for a kitten to pass the time than an immense aquarium that offers them the opportunity to observe a wide variety of fish and sea creatures?

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That’s what the staff at the Atlanta Humane Society thought and decided to collaborate with the Georgia Aquarium so that both the rescue animals would have a great time and the two institutions would be benefitted from an innocent publicity stunt.

But let’s take things from the beginning. In light of the recent coronavirus outbreak and the measures that have been taken in order to slow down the spread of the disease, the Georgia Aquarium was one of those places that were shut down and did not allow any visitors.

Instagram: @atlantahumane Source: Instagram: @atlantahumane

“After careful consideration, we have made the decision to close Georgia Aquarium to public guests,” reads the notification on their website.

However, when they say “public guests” they only refer to humans, there is no mention of animals. And that’s because the latter are allowed to make an occasional trip to their very own… funfair!

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A few weeks ago, the Atlanta Humane Society took its rescues to the aquarium and the little sweethearts spent the day surrounded by fish. Undoubtedly, for the kittens, this was a dream come true.

The humane society posted a related video and picture on their Instagram page, explaining what exactly happened, how the trip went.

“They couldn’t get enough of the beautiful Tropical Diver exhibit, and loooooved the jellies!” they wrote in their post.

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At the same time, they also seized the opportunity to give pet owners some tips about caring for their pets during this uncertain time.

The people went crazy below these posts, expressing their eagerness to adopt one of those kittens that looked super cute in the video. However, the staff explained that since the kittens were still too young, it would take at least another three weeks before they could be up for adoption.

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The Georgia Aquarium also uploaded a video of the rescues visiting them on YouTube, and it has already gone viral with more than 300k views and more than 3k upvotes.

In this video, the kittens can be seen running around the aquarium, sometimes observing the sea creatures and sometimes just playing with each other. We bet it was the first time they had seen so many fish all in one place.

YouTube Screenshot Source: YouTube Screenshot

The little grey kittens at times tried to catch the fish behind the glass, while in some cases they just sat and watched them curiously.

The five kittens had the time of their lives in the aquarium and this once-in-a-lifetime experience will be hard to forget.

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Finally, regarding their adoptions, given the situation, the humane society has had to halt its services and only allow limited adoptions, but for now, the little ones are in foster care, which means they are well taken care of.


You can watch the video with the kittens in the aquarium below and enjoy some “aww” moments!

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: Bored Panda, Facebook, Instagram, Georgia Aquarium
