These tiny lizards look like dragons and are very real

If the Targaryens were around, they would love these little lizards. They don’t do “Dracarys” so we’re safe. These guys definitely look like the miniature version of the dragons from “Game of Thrones”.

Armadillo lizards look pretty special all thanks to mother nature’s design. The name comes in handy since they come with the same outer layering like an armadillo.

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So yes, they are heavily armored in a sense.

And just like the armadillo, these little dragons curl up in to a ball when they are under threat, using their built-in armor to their advantage. These armored dragons can be found in the crevices and nooks of rocks.

Until Daenerys Stormborn finds out about them that is.

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These armadillo lizards are natives of South Africa, adapting to different ways of shielding themselves from the harsh climate and different predators.

Armadillo lizards have become pretty good at hiding. They love sunbathing like other reptiles, but they don’t lay eggs like the others.

These little lizards feed on termites, small insects, and invertebrates, though they don’t require a lot of food to survive. Their undeniable resemblance to dragons mean that illegal poachers have threatened their numbers since there is a demand for them.

People like to keep these lizards as pets.

Their scientific name is Ouroborus Cataphractus. You can find them in South Africa’s rocky Succulent Karoo region.

Armadillo lizards are also known as the golden armadillo lizard.

They may look dangerous from the outside, but these lizards are actually slow and docile. They will run away when confronted with danger. Armadillo lizards come in brown to light brown, with bodies covered in sharp spikes.

The only part of their bodies that are not covered in spindles is their underbelly. It’s actually a very soft spot.

When these little lizards are threatened, they curl up using their armored bodies to help protect them. They are vulnerable so they will remain in a ball for up to an hour or so.

It is a unique defense mechanism that keeps them safe from other predators. These lizards need to stay away from snakes and mongoose.

Good thing they don’t breathe fire.

Armadillo dragons will only grow to as long as four inches in length but will live for a long 10 years.

They feed on termite mounds but those tend to be located far from where the lizards live. So they have to travel around 60 feet just to find a good meal.

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That’s a long way for such small lizards.

The males are territorial, as is with other species, but when it they get extra aggressive when mating season comes. That’s because they fight over the females.

Like most species too.

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These little dragons will give birth to one or two young a year. Their gestation period is around six to eight months long.

An interesting fact about the females is that they may take a year in between pregnancy just to care for her young. An extraordinary trait among reptiles.

Dragons live among us except they’re just really tiny!

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Source: The Rain Forest Site, Armadillo Lizard
