Compassionate artist turns thousands of old tires into comfortable beds for stray animals

We all have dreams that we hope to accomplish. But until you put the work in that’s necessary to bring your vision to life, then they are just dreams.

Dreams are great but achieving them is even better. Sure it takes a ton of time and loads of dedication but the reward is always going to be worth it.

Take Amarildo Silva, for example.
@amarildo_silva2 Source: @amarildo_silva2

Silva is a 24-year-old artist from Campina Grande, Brazil.

Silva was a dreamer as well. He had a vision where one day he would work for himself. As an artist, this is a pretty common dream but Silva wasn’t exactly sure how he could make a living from his art.

But he dreamed and brainstormed ways he could make his dream a reality.

Rewind back to just two years ago when Silva worked at a local supermarket. It’s a common job for people around his age. But also like a lot of young people in that position, it’s not something he wanted to do long-term.
Pixabay Source: Pixabay

But Silva noticed that Brazil had a pretty severe stray animal problem.
Streetdog Foundation Source: Streetdog Foundation

In fact, stray animals in Brazil outnumber the population by 500%. That’s a huge difference.

While Silva brainstormed his next move, he also noticed that those stray animals, specifically dogs, liked to curl up in old tires and sleep.*undefined&ch=bt
Compassion Without Borders Source: Compassion Without Borders

That’s when Silva came up with his lofty idea – he would make comfortable beds out of those tires.
@amarildo_silva2 Source: @amarildo_silva2

It wasn’t long before he got to work on his idea.

He began collecting tires from various places including, landfills, streets, and parking lots.
@amarildo_silva2 Source: @amarildo_silva2

Silva’s new business venture allowed him the opportunity to become self-employed, give strays a comfortable place to sleep, and remove tire waste from the streets.
@amarildo_silva2 Source: @amarildo_silva2

The latter was extremely important as it takes a century for a tire to decompose if not recycled correctly.

The process of creating the luxurious pet beds is a bit more tedious than one may think.

First, he cleans the tires thoroughly. Then, he cuts them into their desired shape. Next, he paints and decorates them.
@amarildo_silva2 Source: @amarildo_silva2

Every tire is unique. Some of the designs he puts on the beds include, paws, bones, hearts, and even the animal’s name if it’s available.

Once the basic structure of a bed is complete, Silva sews printed fabric around cushions to make a comfortable base for the bed of the tire.
@amarildo_silva2 Source: @amarildo_silva2

Lastly, he sews the remaining fabric into a matching pillow that ties the bed together.

What a process! But it sure is worth it!

Each bed looks both comfy and personal.
@amarildo_silva2 Source: @amarildo_silva2

Of course, it was only a matter of time before Silva’s work got noticed by the community. He began receiving invites to showcase and demonstrate his work at schools and local events.
@amarildo_silva2 Source: @amarildo_silva2

Silva definitely got what he dreamed of and then some. Because his business has done so well, he’s already begun looking into other unique designs that can be made from tires.
@amarildo_silva2 Source: @amarildo_silva2

He now runs his own full-time business called, Cãominhas Pets.
@amarildo_silva2 Source: @amarildo_silva2

Silva seems to have excelled at every goal he had for himself, at the time. He’s a prime example of never giving up on your dreams.

Dreaming can turn into a reality with hard work!
Instagram/@amarildo_silva2 Source: Instagram/@amarildo_silva2

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