Aspiring singer and his mother are stealing hearts with their beautiful duet

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video!

Jordan Rabjohn had already made a range of popular YouTube performances. But his mother/son duet video has really taken off.

Imagine you’re a young, talented musician. You’re trying to make a name for yourself. How do you do it?

Jordan Rabjohn Music/Facebook Source: Jordan Rabjohn Music/Facebook

Many musicians all over the world are thinking exactly this right now. Of course, many of them are using the internet to share their talent. The problem is that there’s so much competition. So how do you stand out from the crowd?

Jordan Rabjohn is one of those young musicians who just might have worked out how to get his name out there. It’s by making videos with his mom!

Jordan Rabjohn/Bandcamp Source: Jordan Rabjohn/Bandcamp

During the coronavirus lockdown, Jordan’s mother, Katherine, found that she had a lot more free time.

Katherine had always encouraged Jordan to follow his musical dreams.

She herself is a talented singer who never had the opportunity to share her voice with the world. So Jordan asked his mom if she would like to duet on his next YouTube video.

Katherine agreed and they got rehearsing on a cover of Rise Up by Andra Day. After a while, they were both happy with how they sounded and got recording.

Jordan Rabjohn/YouTube Source: Jordan Rabjohn/YouTube

The video begins with Jordan singing, “You’re broken down and tired of living life on a merry-go-round,” to the opening piano notes. His voice is crisp and clear.

As Jordan sings, the shot cuts to his mother in front of the same mic. She listens to the music in headphones.

Jordan Rabjohn/YouTube Source: Jordan Rabjohn/YouTube

The shots cut between Katherine and her son several times as Jordan completes the first verse.

As soon as Jordan finishes the opening of the song, Katherine opens with, “And I’ll rise up, I’ll rise like a day, I’ll rise up, I’ll rise unafraid.”

Jordan Rabjohn/YouTube Source: Jordan Rabjohn/YouTube

She has a deep, almost operatic voice.

Soon, the mother and son are harmonizing on odd lines in the song, showing the similarities and differences in their voices.

Jordan Rabjohn/YouTube Source: Jordan Rabjohn/YouTube

It’s clear by now where Jordan has got his talent from!

Then the video shows some shots of Katherine and Jordan laughing between the lyrics. Katherine seems to have given Jordan her personality as well as her talent.

Jordan Rabjohn/YouTube Source: Jordan Rabjohn/YouTube

Later, as the audio continues to play, shots appear of the mother and son holding up signs with messages to the audience. The first sign explains that the song is for anyone who is feeling down during this harsh time.

Then they both hold up different signs. Katherine’s says that she misses her parents and her other family members. Jordan’s says that he misses his hairdresser.

Jordan Rabjohn/YouTube Source: Jordan Rabjohn/YouTube

The video then appeared on YouTube, where it soon went viral. In just over two months, it has gained almost 1.5 million views.

It also has more than 119,000 likes and 8,300 comments. People have been saying things like this:

Jordan Rabjohn/YouTube Source: Jordan Rabjohn/YouTube

This video soon became Jordan’s most successful.

His second most successful video, a cover of Randy Newman’s You’ve Got A Friend In Me, has gained just over 800,000 views in the space of one year.

So it turns out that the secret to success online may not be a trendy new haircut or having a particular outfit but showing the world how much you love your mother. Other aspiring musicians should take note!

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Source: Jordan Rabjohn
