Bullied teen with autism gets the last laugh when he and his date attend the school dance

High school pranks can be awfully mean sometimes. Some students think that it’s just a harmful joke, but it often leads to humiliation and low self-esteem.

An autistic high school student received a fake invitation for the homecoming dance.

His bullies thought that they had struck comedy gold but they were so wrong.

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Micheal was a student at Taylorsville high school and has high-functioning autism.

It’s a disability that he handles well.

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Just like any normal student, he’s looking forward to having fun at the upcoming school dance. Shortly after Labor Day, Taylorsville High School student Michael Conrad was the target of a cruel prank in which anonymous tormenters egged his house and left behind a homecoming invitation, Fox 13 reports.

“I’m sorry for the mess. But how about I make it up to you by taking you to Homecoming?” the note read.

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Even after the egging, Michael was still excited about the dance since it’s also is it a celebration to mark the students’ final year at high school. It’s become a tradition for students to perform grand gestures while asking their peers to homecoming, and Micheal found himself subject to one of these.

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The fake invite was attributed to a cheerleader who was Michael’s friend.

However, when he approached his friend to ask her about the invitation, he instead received bad news.

“She said, ‘Michael, I already have a date. I’m so sorry. I had nothing to do with that.” She felt bad,” Michael’s mom recalled.

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Though Michael brushed the matter off, Jennifer wasn’t so easily forgiving.

Her son has autism and ADHD, and she said the incident impacted him negatively.

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Word of the cruel stunt spread like wildfire, and soon enough it reached Micheal’s debating teacher, Jenn Palomino. She was determined to make things right.

“I just thought it was a terrible incident, I don’t know that there was anything I could do to turn it around if I’m completely honest,” Jen said.

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She also added:

“The second I heard about this, I knew I wanted to do something,” Talbot said. “I automatically broke down into tears, because just thinking about the fact that someone would go out of their way to make someone else feel bad is so heartbreaking to me.”

But Jen had an idea, he got in touch with a friend, Caitlin Thomas, a former Miss Lehi. Caitlin then sent a message to her friend– Miss Greater Salt Lake, Dexonna Talbot.

Surprising Michael during history class with a poster and a bucket of Starburst, Dexonna asked him to attend the homecoming dance with her, and he happily accepted.

Micheal happily agreed to accompany Dexonna to homecoming, and the adorable moment was caught on camera and shared by Jen onto Twitter.

The beauty queen said that she knew that asking Michael out publicly would have a major impact on the school community.

“I really wanted to make sure it was at the school. So that way, those people who have been bullying could see something positive was coming from this and that they weren’t winning,” she told FOX News.

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Finally, the pair dressed up for their much-awaited homecoming dance.

Dexonna looked beautiful in a floaty pink dress, while James looked handsome in a smart black suit.

“I am so grateful for the opportunity I had to take him to his homecoming and witness so many people coming together to support a really good cause. We had a fantastic time!” Dexonna said. “I am so inspired by Michael and his conviction to not let the bullies get him down.”

Watch the story in the video below.

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Source: Youtube – @Mike Anderson
