Baby abandoned in dumpster grows up to be founder of $62 million company

29-year-old Freddie Figgers was abandoned in a dumpster as a baby. He may have had an unpleasant past but he is now the founder of a $62 million Telecom Company.

Figgersā€™ mother abandoned him two days after giving birth to him. The baby boy was left in a cold dumpster not knowing what just happened to him nor what life had in store for him. Not a single clue.

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Freddie found hope and new life when a loving and supportive couple, Nathan and Betty Figgers, adopted him. At an early age, Figgers began to show skills no ordinary child could have.


He was nine years old when he got his first computer. It wasnā€™t working but instead of asking his foster parents for help, Freddie made it run after a few attempts.

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Figgers landed his first computer job at 12. At 15, he already owned a cloud computing company. Freddie had that light bulb moment when a tornado hit and an Alabama car dealership lost all their files on the computer.

He was one intelligent teenager.

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Figgers found a way to prevent the same situation in the future by backing up their information on a remote server. Freddie did it all in his own backyard.

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It wasnā€™t just computers though. Freddieā€™s father began showing signs of Alzheimerā€™s disease so he created a special shoe for his dad. The shoes had a GPS tracker and a two-way communicator so that his father would always be safe.

Figgersā€™ father would forget a lot of things as is the result of the disease. The shoes helped him communicate with his father as well as know his whereabouts all the time.

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Figgers decided to quit school after a year to establish his own Telecom Company called Figgers Communication. At the very young age of 24, he had already designed and built 80 custom software programs.

Figgers continued to work hard and focus on his life goals. He never felt an ounce of discouragement even though he had a rough past.

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And now at 29 years old, Figgers is a very successful inventor and entrepreneur. His Telecom Company is valued at over $62 million.

Figgers Communication manufactures products which are anti-texting and driving handheld devices. And for people with diabetes, these cell phones are really helpful as they come with a built-in wireless blood glucose meter.

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Not only is Figgers a genius, he also has a big heart for those who need help. He uses his intelligence to create products that will benefit those with conditions.

ā€œI believe turning caring into action, and if you see a problem find a solution to deliver an impact to change someoneā€™s life,ā€ Figgers said. ā€œIā€™m going to impact this world and change today for a better tomorrow because money is nothing but a tool, but with that tool, we can impact and change everyday peopleā€™s lives with opportunities.ā€

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Freddie Figgers gives back by offering college scholarships, sponsoring youth programs, paying seniorsā€™ bills and helping to bail homes in foreclosure. Not a lot of self-made businessmen do the same. Figgers is a great man.

Watch the video below to hear it from Figgers himself!

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Source: YouTube, My Positive Outlooks
