Baby and dad get into heated debate about walking with hilarious results

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video!

The babies love the “arguments.” It makes for weirdly wholesome footage. But who do you think won?

Life is so much easier if you have a sense of humor. Let’s face it, we all need to laugh now and then.

The parents in these clips know just how to teach their kids how to have a good laugh.

The video begins with a toddler standing on the bed and screaming at her father.

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The father pulls a funny face and goes, “Bababadee!” He’s imitating the girl, but not in a cruel way.

The baby turns into the camera, with a huge smile on her face.

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She laughs at her mom, who is holding the camera. “What are you going through, crazy?” the mom asks.

Then the clip changes. It’s a baby boy who is in a high chair at the dining table.

YouTube Screenshot - Omoshiroi Akachan to Petto Source: YouTube Screenshot - Omoshiroi Akachan to Petto

The baby babbles away. But the baby’s dad speaks over him and says, “Listen to me when I’m talking to you. You’ve gotta learn to crawl”

Then the baby looks super angry and babbles some more at this.

“That’s not an excuse,” the dad replies.

The baby then looks at his mom and babbles on.

Then the dad tells the baby that the mom is going to stop doing everything for him.

The baby babbles back.

Then the clip changes to another dad. He is in a living room with his toddler daughter.

YouTube Screenshot - Omoshiroi Akachan to Petto Source: YouTube Screenshot - Omoshiroi Akachan to Petto

The dad holds up a doll of Elsa from the Disney movie Frozen. “It’s Elsa!” the dad says.

“Ana!” the baby shouts back. “Elsa!” the dad responds.

“Ana!” says the baby again. “Elsa!” says the dad. This goes back and forth some more, with the baby insisting she is right.

Eventually, the baby resorts to horrific violence. She runs towards her father and slams into him.

YouTube Screenshot - Omoshiroi Akachan to Petto Source: YouTube Screenshot - Omoshiroi Akachan to Petto

The dad pretends to fall in pain.

Then the clip cuts to a little boy in another home.

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He shouts at his dad, who is on the floor in front of him. The dad talks back in a calm way.

The baby pretends to keep up the tantrum. But in the end, he lets his dad kiss him.

It seems like the argument is diffused for now thanks to this dad!

Then the scene cuts to another toddler, who sits at a dining table.

He lifts up a plate. The dad tells the baby to put the plate down. The baby babbles back, getting mad at the dad. The dad repeats the instruction to put the plate down, but the baby doesn’t listen.

Then the baby points to the dad, as if to say, “It’s my way or the highway.”

YouTube Screenshot - Omoshiroi Akachan to Petto Source: YouTube Screenshot - Omoshiroi Akachan to Petto

The scene changes once more.

Two siblings, a boy and a girl, stand and look at their dad. The dad tells his daughter, “You ain’t in charge of nothing!”

YouTube Screenshot - Omoshiroi Akachan to Petto Source: YouTube Screenshot - Omoshiroi Akachan to Petto

The daughter shouts back at the dad. Then she points at him too. That dad gets quite the talking to!

The scene changes again. A baby sits in a high chair, wearing a stripy hat.

YouTube Screenshot - Omoshiroi Akachan to Petto Source: YouTube Screenshot - Omoshiroi Akachan to Petto

The baby says, “Mama.” But the dad says, “Dada,” trying to get the baby to say that instead. The baby keeps on repeating, “Mama,” over and over again.

Then the dad has an idea. He says, “Mama.” The baby says, “Dada,” in an attempt to be defiant.

The scene cuts again to a toddler at another dining table. He reaches out for some keys that his dad holds. The dad moves his hand back and says, “No!”

The baby says, “Yes!” The baby keeps on asking for these keys. But the dad is defiant.

Then the scene changes to a girl in a chair. She has a cell phone pressed to her ear.

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The girl’s dad tells her that she has to get off the phone and go to bed. The girl says no.

The dad says yes. Eventually, the girl shouts a loud, “No!”

Then the scene changes to another little girl and her dad.

She babbles to him.

“Yeah right!” the dad responds. The baby babbles back some more.

Then the scene cuts to another girl, who leans on the family sofa.

She tells her dad that he’s going to bring her toys into the room. The dad says that she has to do it herself. Then she says, “I take mine, and you take yours.”

The scene cuts to another shot of a girl standing next to a sofa. The girl says she wants more chocolate.

YouTube Screenshot - Omoshiroi Akachan to Petto Source: YouTube Screenshot - Omoshiroi Akachan to Petto

The dad explains that the mom will disapprove of her having more chocolate. As we all know, that’s called scapegoating!

The little girl screams back some more.

The video showing off these hilarious clips has gone viral on YouTube.

To date, it has gained over 3.8 million views. It also has more than 40,000 likes.

Clearly, many people have been inspired to have funny conversations with their own children!

Watch the video below!

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Source: Omoshiroi Akachan to Petto
