Baby and Daddy’s argument comes to an adorable end

“A good father is one whose only reason for putting down a laughing baby is to pick up a crying one.” —Linda Poindexter

How can you describe your father? Is he the serious type? Maybe he’s the ever-supportive father who always has your back? Or maybe, he’s the goofy and sweet papa that always makes you laugh?

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Usually, as a child grows up, their first playmate and best friend will always be their dad.

The mother nurtures and cares- dads, on the other hand, protect, play, and teach their children the basics of life.

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A father is always a child’s first hero.

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However, dads are also great with one other thing. Can you guess? There is always something fulfilling to a father when he teases or argues with his kids.

There’s something enjoyable to a father when he can test his child’s patience – in a funny and playful way, of course.

This viral video is exactly what we mean.

For different random and silly reasons, these adorable kids are arguing with their dads, and their conversations are hilarious!

This cute toddler is trying her best to convince dad!

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Too bad little one, but dad knows what you’re up to and is willing to spend his time arguing about it. It’s so cute listening to a grown-up trying to babble and argue with his daughter!

Once this little girl realizes that she’s not winning, she turns to mom and asks for help. What an adorable family!

This young boy is explaining to his dad why he’s not able to crawl yet.

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Life lesson here guys! This dad is trying his best to teach his son that it’s time for him to learn how to crawl. No one will do it for him, so he has to man up and start crawling.

However, this little guy seems determined to give his reasons why he’s not ready to do it yet. Who do you think is better in defending their reasons?

For her, it’s Anna!

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This is a very tight battle between a toddler and her dad!

She insists that the doll is Anna, but her dad wants to correct her and tells her that it’s Elsa.

This little tot won’t give up that easily! After getting tired of saying “Anna!” she decides to attack her dad on the head to make a point. It’s too hilarious!

I want to prove a point, dad!

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This little girl doesn’t even know how to speak yet, but she sure is persistent about her point – whatever that is. Her dad is too sweet listening to all her gibberish, looking as if he truly understands what she’s saying.

All went well, and the little tot seemed satisfied and gave her dad kisses.

Daddy’s little girl is fierce!

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This little princess knows what she wants, and she is not afraid to speak her mind. We’re sure that her dad is pretty much impressed with his little girl.

Who wouldn’t be?

We also love how her little brother smiles at her. It’s as if he’s admiring her sister’s spirit!

Sorry, you’re too young to drive, kid!

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You can’t have everything that you want in life, and this little tot is learning this first-hand with dad. He’s asking dad for the car keys and is really persistent, but dad won’t give in.

He says a firm “no” for like five times, but his kid is trying his best to convince him. Sorry, not today, little boy.

It is “lettuce” or “hilarious”?

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This little girl’s dad seems a little bit strict when it comes to pronunciation. He wants to make sure if his daughter is saying “lettuce” or “hilarious”!

He’s clearly not accepting any gibberish reasons as of the moment.

Why it’s okay to eat more chocolate before bedtime

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This little girl is determined to convince her daddy to let her eat more of that delicious chocolate- even if she’d had enough. We get you little girl, but daddy doesn’t seem convinced one bit.

Try again next time.

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Can you relate? It’s sure hard not to give in when you’re talking to your adorable little child, but sometimes, you have to stand firm with your decision as a father.

Don’t forget to watch the whole clip of dads arguing it out with their little ones in the video below.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: Omoshiroi Akachan to Petto
