Baby bosses around giant Great Dane to show him who's in charge

You know your dog is a family dog when kids can feel completely safe around it. It takes training but it is well worth it.

And the best family dogs are often the big ones. The ones who can be guardians just as much as playmates. A well-trained Mastiff, German Shepherd, or the one breed you think of when I say “Big dog”: the Great Dane!

It’s easy to see what puts the “great” in “Great Dane”.

Pexels - Matthias Zomer Source: Pexels - Matthias Zomer

The breed is appropriately named, standing up to 90cm at the shoulder and weighing up to 90 pounds.

Despite their large stature, Great Danes can be gentle and careful when they want to be.

Usually, around people they love and trust.

Pexels - Pixabay Source: Pexels - Pixabay

When Great Danes aren’t letting their family pet them and feed them, they’re busy standing guard and discouraging outsiders from harming their family.

They can be taller than most people when they rear up, and the sight of that would be enough to deter an intruder or attacker.

Plus, they’re good companions for solving mysteries and searching for ghouls.

This video is a pretty crystal-clear showcase of how gentle a trained Great Dane can be.

YouTube screenshot - Rumble Viral Source: YouTube screenshot - Rumble Viral

Look at our extra-large dog resting in a comfy spot. He’s unbothered and enjoying his rest.

Well, he better enjoy it while he can. It’s not gonna last much longer.

Along comes a baby only a fraction of his size. The baby’s got eyes on the spot too. Babies and dogs both have a habit of feeling like they’re entitled to whatever they want. So what happens when the two collide?

The baby walks over and waves its hand over the Great Dane’s face.

YouTube screenshot - Rumble Viral Source: YouTube screenshot - Rumble Viral

But this dog is no snappy, bite-y dog. As abrupt and uncomfortable it may be to have someone pushing your face away, this dog doesn’t harm the child one bit.

It shows some annoyance, but that’s where it ends.

As large as the dog is, it wouldn’t harm this little one in a million years.

YouTube screenshot - Rumble Viral Source: YouTube screenshot - Rumble Viral

The baby succeeded in getting the dog to move over. Now the little one lies down where the dog just was, much to the dog’s disappointment.

Where was the dog to nap now?

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Being gentle isn’t the only thing Great Danes are known for.

The breed found its origin as a hunting dog, with one of its possible ancestors being the Irish Wolfhound.

Nobles at the time needed a dog of great stature to keep up with their hunts.

YouTube screenshot - Rumble Viral Source: YouTube screenshot - Rumble Viral

Eventually, the breed known as the Great Dane was born.

And ever since hunting declined in popularity, the breed went from chasing game animals to being a loving house dog.

YouTube screenshot - Rumble Viral Source: YouTube screenshot - Rumble Viral

This shift in lifestyle had another result: The ear-cropping that was usually done to keep their ears from injury during hunts was needed no longer.

Now the Great Dane could keep its big floppy ears as it stayed in the homes of many. There’s no companion like a big, loving dog.

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Source: Rumble Viral on YouTube, American Kennel Club
