Adorable baby girl’s stretching routine earns 3.5 million views

The internet is full of videos of extremely adorable newborn babies. In fact, if you do a quick search now, you’ll end up with thousands of recordings.

One particular video is going viral on the internet.

YouTube Screenshot-Rex J. Source: YouTube Screenshot-Rex J.

Unlike most baby videos, there are no newborns screaming in the recording. There wasn’t even any dancing, singing, or showing off any special skills.

Despite the lack of extraordinary routines, the video has over 3.5 million views.

Once you see it, you’ll understand why. You may even find yourself hitting the replay button a couple of times.

The video shows a baby wearing a very cute pink outfit.

YouTube Screenshot-Rex J. Source: YouTube Screenshot-Rex J.

She’s so tiny. However, even if she’s small, you can easily tell that she’s full of personality.

At 6 days old, the baby doesn’t know how to do anything.

She can’t talk yet. She doesn’t even know how to crawl or stand up. Despite that, she doesn’t fail to amaze her parents.

The little girl’s parents are so in love with her that they want to keep a record of all of her milestones.

YouTube Screenshot-Rex J. Source: YouTube Screenshot-Rex J.

And in this particular video, they managed to record her adorable stretching routine. From the way her tiny arms and legs moved to the look on her face, what she did was heartwarming.

If you take a closer look at the video, you’ll see the little girl waking up.

YouTube Screenshot-Rex J. Source: YouTube Screenshot-Rex J.

Slowly, she started stretching every part of her body. That includes her face! She worked her tongue and jaw as if preparing to drink her mom’s milk.

YouTube Screenshot-Rex J. Source: YouTube Screenshot-Rex J.

Even though her face turned wrinkly, she’s still adorable. She’s too cute for words!

The video has hundreds of positive comments.

YouTube Screenshot-Rex J. Source: YouTube Screenshot-Rex J.

Babies are lovable beings. It’s hard not to love them the minute you see them. They are full of charm and everything they do is amusing. Even burping babies look cute. Considering that, it’s not surprising why tons of people fell in love with the baby and her stretching routine.

YouTube Screenshot-Rex J. Source: YouTube Screenshot-Rex J.

One of them said:

“that was a lot of different faces in 1.5 minutes. Very cute.”

Another one commented:

“What a little doll, she is beyond precious! 💕”

There was also this viewer who said:

“Newborns have the best facial expressions ever!!! So precious and vulnerable.”

Babies like to stretch.

YouTube Screenshot-Rex J. Source: YouTube Screenshot-Rex J.

Newborns like to stretch their arms and legs for a couple of reasons. One of them is to get everything moving and working as they should. They stretch a lot in the first few days of their life outside of their moms’ wombs.

They also stretch when they need to get rid of trapped wind in their tummy. They do the same thing when they’re pushing out a poo.

And like adults, babies like to stretch because it makes them feel good. When they’ve been sleeping for a long time, stretching allows them to loosen and open up their muscles and joints while encouraging better blood flow.

If you want to see why the video is such a big hit, watch the complete recording below!

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Source: YouTube-Rex J. Kids Health
