Baby with new hearing aids squeals with joy upon hearing her mom's voice for the 1st time

A baby’s smile can warm anyone’s heart.

No matter the kind of mood you’re coming from, when babies curve their little lips up and coo warmly, you’ll feel your heart melt with all sorts of happiness. As common as this reaction is, a couple from the United Kingdom says that their baby’s smile hits different.

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It’s much more special, especially when one is made aware of the circumstance the baby has. At a very young age, an invisible barrier is set between her and her parents. But thanks to technology, hope is kindled.

Baby Georgina smiles whenever she hears her mother’s voice.

It wasn’t so for the first weeks after being born. Georgina was born completely deaf, an unfortunate condition especially for someone her age.

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“Getting that sort of news is always going to be difficult,” Paul Addison, Georgina’s father, told LADbible. “We focused on the practicalities of the situation and did our best to stay positive.”

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Since then, Georgina doesn’t have an idea of how things sound like. She doesn’t know how the wind whistles, or how the leaves rustle. She doesn’t know the sweet voices of her parents who would’ve been calling out to her every day.

Fortunately for Georgina, her world will not remain silent.

Her condition was not completely hopeless and can still be helped by technology. She was fitted with a hearing aid which dramatically changed how she perceived the world.

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Addison shared that her excitement towards sounds is hard to miss. She compared her reactions to a light bulb being switched on. Georgina’s reaction is so adorable and heartwarming that the couple felt that they need to share it with the world.

They decided to capture the moment on video.

In the video, you can see how little Georgina’s face lights up into a bright smile after her mother calls out to her. The moment she hears her mother’s voice, Georgina immediately tried to respond with chirps and squeals.

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The internet was quick to fall for Georgina. In less than 24 hours, the video has racked up hundreds of thousands of views in under 24 hours. And we couldn’t blame them as it is as adorable as it is heartwarming.

Georgina’s parents couldn’t be happier for their little girl.

“Her face lights up and she looks delighted. For us as parents, it is a true delight for us too.” Addison told LADbible. “It fills my heart with joy and you just can’t put a price on things like this. Every morning she reacts like it’s a completely new experience and that will never get old.”

Early detection for deafness is very important as hearing affects how a child develops in terms of speech and cognition. Fortunately for Georgina, she was given a chance to live a normal life thanks to technology.

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“She’s a very happy baby and we made sure it wouldn’t become a long-term issue.” Addison added, “Every morning now when we turn the hearing aids on we get this lovely reaction from her. She smiles every morning when she’s able to access sound. It’s just gorgeous.”

Watch how this baby captured people’s hearts with her reaction to her mother’s voice.

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Source: YouTube – CBS New York, Twitter – @BBCBreakfast, Twitter – @addisonjrp, LADbible, Evening Standard
