Baby koala mistakes a dog for his mom and hitched a ride back home

Thank god our phones have cameras now.

Sometimes, the most surreal and hilarious things can happen at the same time and we’ll only have a story to tell. In this age of “Pics or didn’t happen”, that won’t do.

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In Australia, a man had a hilarious encounter with his dog and a koala bear that was living in their backyard. And instead of helping his dog, he did the most sensible thing to do – whip out his phone and film the whole thing.

The dog owner, named Henry, let his dog Tony outside.

Tony was just looking to relieve himself when an unexpected guest crashed their potty party. A baby koala crawled up to them.

Pexels - Ethan Brooke Source: Pexels - Ethan Brooke

By the looks of it, the poor thing was confused and maybe lost. The joey then crawled up to its mom so it can feel a bit safer. It was the day when Henry realized that his dog may be half koala.

The joey climbed up to Tony and clung for dear life.

The koala’s mom would’ve been insulted and confused as well. If your child thinks you look like a dog, then maybe you should revoke milk rights.

YouTube Screenshot - Herny Source: YouTube Screenshot - Herny

But then again, joeys are thought to be blind from a very young age. Tony, who is sporting gray-bluish fur with streaks of white, can easily be mistaken as something else for someone who can’t tell an apple from a tennis ball.

Henry explained the whole thing in the caption.

“One early morning my doggy Tony barked loudly and wanted to go out. I thought he was busting so I let him out and followed him behind.” Henry said.

YouTube Screenshot - Herny Source: YouTube Screenshot - Herny

“While Tony reached the lawn, a baby koala suddenly turned up and hopped on Tony’s back.” Henry ended. The poor dog didn’t even have the chance to drink his coffee and now he has to look after the kids.

Tony tried to shake off the joey that was clinging to him.

Tony kept on walking in circles and was looking desperately to his owner for help. In response, Henry quickly did the right thing and captured everything on video – just like most owners would.

YouTube Screenshot - Herny Source: YouTube Screenshot - Herny

Meanwhile, his confused dog was obviously not ready to pay for this joey’s needs and education because he never had any relations with a koala.

After much struggling and sitting, the baby koala got off.

The curious pooch just sniffed the baby animal but didn’t do anything bad or aggressive. Henry was confident about this as he said that Tony is a gentle dog.

YouTube Screenshot - Herny Source: YouTube Screenshot - Herny

Henry then helped the baby koala climb up a metal frame where it made its way higher up a nearby tree.

YouTube Screenshot - Herny Source: YouTube Screenshot - Herny

Koalas in backyards are not strange in Australia. With the encroachment of human settlements into the wilderness, wildlife in backyards is inevitable.

YouTube Screenshot - Herny Source: YouTube Screenshot - Herny

To help koalas traverse the suburban environment, homeowners are recommended to have climbable fences and covered pools. If pools can’t be netted or covered, officials advise putting buoys, like empty milk jugs, and tethering them to a pole outside the pool.

Watch this hilarious interaction when a koala mistakes a dog for its mom.

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Source: YouTube – Henry, Wildcare Australia
