5-month-old baby melts heart getting woke up

“Having a baby is a life-changer. It gives you a whole other perspective on why you wake up every day.” – Taylor Hanson

Indeed, having a baby in your life will give you a different outlook.

You learn to love unconditionally, you learn to be patient, and seeing your child happy brings you happiness as well. Of course, you also become extra tired, but every parent will tell you that all those sleepless nights are all worth it.

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There is nothing more precious than welcoming a newborn baby into your life, and this is exactly what Daniel and Michael felt when Emily Ruth came to their lives.

Dan and Mike knew they were ready to be parents.

Their happiness became complete when they adopted a newborn baby girl that they named Emily Ruth.


It was April, 2014 when they received a call that changed their lives forever. They went home with a bundle of joy in their arms.

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What they didn’t know was that Emily Ruth would become such a happy baby!

Dan and Mike have their own YouTube channel where they uploaded a video of their five-month-old daughter. In the caption, it says that:

“Five-month-old Princess Emily Ruth is the ultimate happy baby. Always laughing and giggling, this morning we decided to video her waking up. She wakes up with a smile, goes all day with a smile, and falls asleep with a smile.”

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The video starts as they go and walk in to “Princess Emily’s” room, which by the way, is so pink and pretty!

They turn on the lights, and then we see little Emily opening her eyes and gives her dads a sweet smile.

“Here’s the world’s happiest baby, good morning princess, good morning sunshine,” one of her dads said.

It was her fathers’ sweet way of greeting their beautiful princess.

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Who wouldn’t smile after hearing such a sweet voice?

While stretching, Emily Ruth gives her dad the most welcoming and beautiful smile, as if greeting him “good morning” as well.

Babies are adorable, but it’s also very nice when you have such a happy baby, right? Definitely, Dan and Mike’s day would be as bright as the sun as they see their little princess smile like this.

Her proud dad even zooms in to Emily Ruth’s sweet face, and we see how she opens her eyes widely. Her doll-like features captivate us along with her angelic smile.

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Cuteness overload!

Her dad then talks to her about what they can do as they start their day.

“Are we gonna go sit and read the newspaper together now? Yeah, we’ll have our cup of coffee and you have your cup of formula and we’ll read the paper?”

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The little princess smiles back at her dad, it seems like she understood what her dad was trying to tell her. She knows she’ll have a wonderful day ahead.

Do you love Emily Ruth’s sweet video? Then, you would be thrilled to know that her dads regularly upload videos on their channel.

We even get to see Emily Ruth grow up into a sweet young lady.

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No wonder Emily grew up to be such a happy child. Her dads were able to bring out the best in her. They definitely did an amazing job raising their princess.

Definitely, Emily Ruth’s morning smile will brighten up anyone’s day.

Enjoy her adorable video down below, and subscribe to their YouTube Channel.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: Dan Mike
