Baby throws arms up after being un-swaddled and it's supremely cute

Whether they make cute faces, laugh out loud or simply yawn when sleepy, babies always bring a smile to our faces.

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The expressions they make always make us want to cuddle and kiss them. They just look so adorable no matter what they do!

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One baby boy named Kaden has been melting hearts online because of his charming reaction every morning after being unswaddled. People are so taken by the infant’s hilarious and endearing response that his video has now gone viral!

Also known as KPtheBaby, this cutie has his own social media accounts run by his father, Kent Siri. His tens of thousands of followers are always on the watch for updates on this little charmer’s daily life.

YouTube Source: YouTube

The little boy has a particular moment that all his followers found really cute and adorable. When he was still a baby, he was always swaddled so he can sleep soundly.

This is because of the fact that Kaden gets easily startled. Apart from the other benefits of swaddling, this method also helps Kaden to get better sleep.

As shared by his parents to Buzzfeed, wrapping him up like a burrito every night aids in managing his Moro reflex which causes him to “jolt” even while asleep. This tends to wake him up abruptly, leading to poor sleep and cranky mornings.

“Swaddling makes him feel safe and secure and helps him sleep,” Kent shared.

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Every morning, after a good night’s sleep, Kaden gets to be unswaddled and this is where the fun part comes.

The baby seems to really be excited whenever his parents come by in the morning to slowly remove his wrap. And when his blanket is finally unwrapped, he immediately throws his arms up and stretches!

He does this with a really happy grin, making his funny and charming reaction the most adorable thing ever! His smile totally makes each morning start on a happy note. It’s like he’s so thrilled to start another day!

YouTube Source: YouTube

Kaden’s parents found his response absolutely heart-melting and wanted to share some good vibes with others. His baby’s “spring-loaded arms” are worthy to be shared and with that, Kent started to film his son’s reactions and decided to make creative videos about them.

Facebook Source: Facebook

He began with following a Braveheart movie theme by using a famous line from the film. It was just something hilarious that he wanted to share with friends and family. As it turns out, everyone really liked the video he created and that’s what prompted him to do more funny and adorable videos by incorporating various film excerpts and songs.

In time, Kent’s video of his son’s heart-melting response to being unswaddled went viral.

At first, this dad was posting individual videos of his son’s reaction on his Facebook page. When he decided to create a video compilation and posted it online, that’s when everything really “exploded”, based on what Kent shared with FOX59.

This video is now viewed over 4 million times on YouTube!

YouTube Source: YouTube

Kent highlighted his son’s adorable and hilarious reaction by putting songs that are perfectly timed whenever Kaden throws his arms up after being freed from his wrap. Songs like “YMCA” and “Hip Hop Hooray” made the video even more entertaining.

You will definitely laugh out loud once Beyonce’s “Single Ladies” play in the video, in time for Kaden to raise his arms along the lines of “put your hands up!”

His parents compared Kaden’s reaction to playing basketball in the video’s description:

“Kaden (between 3-4 months in the video) starts every day like a well-rested basketball player coming off the bench…PUT ME IN, COACH! #wakingupwithkaden”

Mornings with such a happy baby like Kaden is definitely a beautiful experience. We can’t help but be charmed by this wonderful boy’s awesome reaction! We’re sure you will love him too after watching the video below.

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Source: KPtheBaby
