Baby skunk gains 3M views “stomping” at rescuer then showing her his backside

MoonShine Wildlife Rehabilitation is a Texas-based non-profit organization that rescues and rehabilitates wild animals that are sick, injured, and abandoned.

And they get some pretty interesting guests.

Instagram - MoonShine Wildlife Rehab Source: Instagram - MoonShine Wildlife Rehab

The group was formed in February 2019 and since then, they’ve been taking care of wild animals like gray foxes, ringtail cats, raccoons, owls, porcupines, squirrels, armadillos, tarantulas, opossums, and many more.

They also rescue and rehabilitate skunks.

YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo Source: YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo

One of the most notable rescues they rehabilitated was a clever baby skunk who earned millions of people’s hearts all over the globe.

When the baby skunk, also called a “kit”, first came into their facility, it was claimed to be five months old.

However, he didn’t look his age.

Christine, one of the workers at MoonShine Wildlife Rehab, was clueless as to why the baby skunk was so tiny.

YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo Source: YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo

He also had balance issues because his legs were a little short than usual. The kit was also scrawny and had little hair all over his body.

The baby skunk’s condition only fueled them to get him in his best shape.

All of his given issues weren’t much of a problem once he was introduced to some sumptuous food.

As soon as the cute kit realized such delights exist, he turned into a food-hounding fiend.

He was born to be wild.

YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo Source: YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo

The kit was kept in a cage for his protection but whenever he was out, he would endlessly wander around and explore his limited area.

The little fella gained a following online.

Aside from his journey to a healthier life, the kit also gained quite a number of followers online when they saw him doing his adorable stomps.

At first, they were just little hand stomps, but it eventually became a habit every time he walks.

The baby skunk would sometimes make accidental little stomps, but there were times when he would deliberately do it and pound on the ground using his tiny pair of hands.

YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo Source: YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo

He’s a little “stomp monster”.

Upon rescue, the kit didn’t have any siblings but he lived with a few other kits in the facility and together, they’d do that little stomps.

Soon, it turned out that he was proud of his little stomps and that he wanted to show them to Christine whenever she was there to visit him.

YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo Source: YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo

Look at my “stomps”

He’d endlessly do the little stomps so that he almost looked like a baby trying to show off to his mom.

On the other hand, Christine wasn’t worried a bit about being sprayed because the baby skunk’s sprayers weren’t fully developed at that age yet.

Eventually, his thick silky fur started to grow back. He also gained weight and inched closer to becoming a healthier baby skunk.

YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo Source: YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo

In no time, he’d be set free into the wild.

While waiting, Christine would occasionally take him outside where his animal instincts quickly showed up.

Without teaching the kit to dig for worms, he seemed to have known the skill as it came out naturally.

YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo Source: YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo

The MoonShine Wildlife Rehabilitation only waited until the baby skunk weighed 6 lbs.

As soon as he was ready to take on the real world out there in wildlife, together with two other skunks, the little stomper was finally released into the wild.

See how this little skunk stomped its way into millions of hearts in the video below!

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Source: YouTube – The Dodo, ABC Humane Wildlife
