Tiny baby throws arms up after being unswaddled


Babies are the best. The cute stuff they do, no one can do that except babies.

Parents will do what they can to protect their babies because they want them to grow up to be the best person. And that starts with building the right foundation.

One way of building that foundation is to make the right transition from living inside the womb and adjusting to life outside of it.

And one practice that helps with that transition is swaddling.

A swaddle helps your baby adjust to life outside the warm and cozy womb. The transition is definitely not easy for babies who have been thrust into this cold world. Swaddling recreates the warm and cozy environment of the womb.

And swaddling also helps simulate the parent’s touch. And touch is so important to a baby’s healthy development. Plus swaddling helps a baby fall asleep quickly and longer.

Instagram/Kaden Patrick Source: Instagram/Kaden Patrick

Kaden, the baby in the video, was three to four months old in this video and he loves swaddling.

“Kaden LOVES being swaddled. It provides him comfort and security when he sleeps,” Kent, his dad, shared. “Kaden has a strong startle reflex (also known as the Moro Reflex) which causes him to jolt a lot at night and wake himself up. Since we started swaddling him, he sleeps much better and he loves it.”

But there’s also one thing that babies love and that’s getting out of the swaddle. Kaden loves it!

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And his parents know it. You want to know how they know?

When his parents, Kent and Tara, take him out of the swaddle, he automatically lifts his arms up over his head. He does this so frequently that his parents have been able to capture it on video several times.

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It all started when Kaden woke up from a nap.

They were removing his swaddle. and Kaden was in the first stages of stretching to wake himself up. And when the last piece came off, Kaden lifts his arms automatically over his head!

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It was the cutest!

Since then, his parents have filmed these times as much as they could, especially since he was in his last swaddling month.

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And, not only that, they edit the video with famous songs and movie scenes and time pivotal parts with Kaden’s actions.

The first time, his parents edited it with Mel Gibson’s inspiring speech in the movie, “Braveheart.” They’ve also used DJ Khaled’s All I Do Is Win and Miley Cyrus’ Party in the USA.

The video was uploaded three years ago but it’s still such a hit with more than 4 million views!

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People love it!

“This is so cute! He’s adorable!!” Jana Shea remarked.

“That sweetheart smiles with his eyes! What an adorable baby!” Erin Coates said.

“I have to watch this EVERY time I see it “pop up” on my feed. My husband makes fun of me for it. He’s so stinking handsome!” Cassie Means admitted.

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Did you know that swaddled babies are reported to be happier babies?

Swaddling soothes and settles the baby down and it triggers a “relaxation” mechanism in babies, too. Just make sure that you don’t swaddle too tight or too loose. Or it’s going to create problems for you and your baby.

Youtube screenshot Source: Youtube screenshot

Would you like to melt into a puddle because of so much adorableness?

Watch the video below.

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Source: KPtheBaby, What To Expect, Baby K’ Tan
