'Tough' bikers stand in court with children facing their abusers – making them feel safe

Being abused takes a tragic toll on someone, especially when they’re just still a child. And even when the abuse stops and they’re safe, they still have to go to court, testify and face the horrible person who did this to them.
It’s something that a lot of people don’t give much thought, yet it happens every single day. These children are absolutely brave to face their abusers in court, but it’s a very unpleasant and unsafe feeling nonetheless.

An international group of motorcycle bikers wants to make sure that no child has to live with that fear anymore.
Meet the organization known as Bikers Against Child Abuse, or just BACA for short. Even though they mostly operate within the United States, their members are international and they’ve helped children around the world.
“No child deserves to live in fear,” is their motto.

These bikers want to empower children with their sheer numbers, strength, tough looks as well as their biker attitude. They make sure that the child becomes one of them so that they wouldn’t be scared of facing their abusers in court anymore.
BACA was founded in 1995 and has grown exponentially ever since.

John Paul “Chief” Lilly who lives in Provo, Utah, first came up with the idea. This man wanted to help out abused children by making them feel empowered and part of a protective family.
A lot of bikers from BACA have actually been abused in their childhood themselves, and know just how difficult it is to take a stand in the courtroom to make sure justice is served. This face-to-face moment with their abuser is very intimidating, as most of them have been through it themselves. “Chief” figured that those children needed a support platform, and BACA provides them with exactly that.

An entire group of intimidating bikers accompany the children to court.
It’s an absolutely terrifying thought to look for trouble with these fierce men and women in biker uniform, but it gives the children much-needed internal strength and courage to face the person who did them so much harm.

“We exist as a body of Bikers to empower children to not feel afraid of the world in which they live. We stand ready to lend support to our wounded friends by involving them with an established, united organization,” the bikers’ website states.
The organization is extremely well-run, and they even co-operate with numerous agencies for the wellbeing of children.
Bikers Against Child Abuse has worked with organizations such as Child Protective Services, but they’re also often recruited by private therapists as well. When a child needs help, a representative will meet with them and assign a couple of caseworkers who serve as their liaison.

The kids also get their own biker vest, so that they know that they’re a part of the group.
For those who want, BACA will even take them on a fun motorcycle ride! The strength that these bikers give the children is incredible, and it sends a very clear message to the abusers as well. These kids are not to be messed with, and their confidence grows immensely.

“When we get involved, these kids gain self-confidence. They beam, do better in school, and they’re not afraid anymore. And that’s what we do, we give them their lives back.”
An absolutely amazing cause!
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Source: BACA International (YouTube), Inspire More