Generous customer buys 1 donut for $1000 from struggling bakery

Many small businesses are really struggling right now. With the shelter in place still active in many places, extra spending has halted and people aren’t going out to do things. For foodservice, some places just aren’t set up for delivery and curbside pickup.

Some people have been intentional with supporting local businesses when possible.

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Many consumers are doing their best to support people in a time of crisis. As many businesses are hurting for customers, people are saving money just to support them.

The Tremont Goodie Shop got one of the best customers ever!

The Tremont Goodie Shop in Upper Arlington, Ohio, had a huge blessing recently when a customer decided to be generous. A customer walked in, asked for one donut and then paid $1000 for it!

The business shared the story on their Facebook page!

Facebook Source: Facebook

Such an incredible story deserved to have some attention! The bakery posted it on Facebook to let the world know!

“We are in tears. This is a custard donut for $1,000 to help keep us in business. What a blessing,” the Tremont Goodie Shop wrote in the post.

In operation for over 60 years, this bakery had a long history in the community but was hurting.

When businesses have been around that long, it shows their character and work ethic! It is a family-owned place and was doing its best to make ends meet.

A customer called in and asked about custard donuts.

While working, one fo the managers got a call.

“He called and asked us if he would be able to give us $1,000 for his doughnut,” manager Emilie Smith told Fox News.

She couldn’t even get a response out!

“I got choked up. He asked again ‘would that be ok?’ because there was silence on the line.”

Finally able to say something in response,

“I choke out, ‘yes, of course, it would be ok!’” said Smith. “I never expected that.”

She was overwhelmed with emotion! What else can you expect!

The customer was a regular.

Facebook Source: Facebook

A man of generosity, the customer frequented the bakery and supported them often. He had bought pizza for the whole shop before, but the recent donation was easily his largest!

He hadn’t been in a while because he was trying to lose weight.

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Donuts aren’t the best for losing weight! As a result, he hadn’t been to the shop recently but word got to him that they were on hard times.

“He said ‘I really needed to support you,’” Smith explained. “He’s the kind of guy that just lights up the room when he’s here.”

People have been overwhelming in their support for the shop!

Facebook Source: Facebook

After the post, people have done their best to help out their local businesses!

“This morning we could barely keep up with phone calls! And someone left a $100 tip for the employees. It’s truly been such a blessing,” said Smith.

This is a reminder of the things we can do for our local friends and family.

While we all can’t pay $1000 for a donut, we can buy a half dozen! Since so many people are struggling, let’s find ways to support them where we can!

Check out the video below!

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Source: Spotlight Stories, Fox News, Facebook
