Beagle rescued from puppy mill feels grass for the 1st time and her reaction is so pure

Dogs can forget what the world feels like.

Recently, thousands of beagles were rescued from a breeding facility in Virginia. No specifics were given but if you’ve been reading about puppy mills, you’d know that the conditions are deplorable.

Among the thousands of beagles who were rescued, one of them was lucky enough to quickly find someone to love.

Karen Shrader has been waiting for Sami.

She shared with LEX18 that beagles were coming into her local shelter. She’s never been particular about the breed but she was still excited to take care of one nonetheless.

Shrader and her family opened their doors to the eight-month-old pup so that finally, she can realize that the world has so much love to give.

But raising Sami wasn’t easy at first.

Growing up in a facility that didn’t really prioritize their well-being can make even the softest dogs averse to affection.

Sami was anxious, cautious, and scared. She must’ve related everything she experienced to something bad.

“The first day she was very timid, but she claimed a dog bed in our family room,” Shrader told The Dodo. “She would only venture a few feet from the bed.”

For a while, the small area around her bed was her whole world.

And even if there are no cages to hold her exploring back, she can’t bring herself to venture further out from her safe space.

Eventually, however, the family introduced Sami to their backyard. It was a place covered in green grass and with the sky above you.

Sami tried it for the first time and they’ll never forget her reaction.

Shrader caught Sami’s reaction on camera and posted it on her Facebook page. In the clip, you can see the beagle zoom in big circles as if trying what this grass “is all about”.

“By Saturday, she was doing zoomies and chasing balls,” Shrader said to The Dodo. A follow-up clip showed the ecstatic pup rolling on the grass with her ball.

It’s heartwarming to see a dog becoming who they truly are once you make them feel the world under its paws.

Shrader shared the same sentiments.

She shared with the animal channel that it warmed her heart knowing that Sami came from a place where she couldn’t be a dog and was now enjoying the freedom to run and play.

She also shared with LEX18 that the love they give Sami isn’t just a one-way street. She said that she often gives love to her husband who has Parkinson’s.

However, things never work out as planned.

The initial agreement was to keep Sami as a foster. But now, Shrader and her family are about to put the beagle in a “foster failure”.

This means that they are now working for a way to finally adopt Sami and give her a forever home in their house. Sami will never have to be anxious again because the grass she felt under her feet will always be the grass she can lie on as she lives the rest of her life as a family dog.

“She has won our hearts. We are adopting her!” Shrader said to The Dodo. “Yes, I’m a foster failure!”

Watch this beagle’s reaction when she felt grass under her paw for the first time.

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Source: The Dodo, LEX18, Facebook – Karen Shrader
