Brilliant bed frame transforms a normal bed into a fun playground for cats

As cat owners and lovers, we love to watch our furry friends play all day.
But sometimes it is impossible for us to actually see our cats playing. That’s because a cat’s favorite thing to do is hide out and squeeze themselves into the tightest, darkest space they can find.

Cats can be found in all sorts of places.
There are countless examples of the places cats like to hide out- including cardboard boxes, paper bags, and even baskets. Cats are famous for making themselves at home in any strange nook or cranny. But one of the most popular places for a cat to cuddle up in is underneath your bed.

Why do cats like dark and tight spaces?
Cats like to feel safe and warm. According to Marilyn Krieger, a cat behaviorist and owner of The Cat Coach and Urban Edge Wildlife, cats use these spaces to hide themselves while still keeping watch on the outside. She says, “They feel safe and hidden from potential threats, while at the same time they can see possible predators and other threats.”

Enclosed spaces also help cats stay cozy and warm. Dr. Karen van Haaften, a resident at UC Davis Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, points out that staying in tight spaces helps reflect heat back onto cats, creating an overall sense of warming up.
She says “There might something rewarding just about having that pressure surrounding their body.”
Just like people like to feel warm, so do our cats.

There is a way to help make this trait even better for your cat.
The Colombian pet products brand CatLife has created the perfect bed frame for you and your beloved cat! They call it the Gatrimonial Bed, and it just might be the new craze for cat owners.

This bed frame is built to look like a normal, if somewhat chic, bed. It is designed with wooden baseboards that feature cutout holes along them, in what simply looks like a cool design. But underneath the mattress hides something very special for your cat.
This bed contains every cat’s dream playground.
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If you lift up your mattress, you can see the bed frame is made out of a wooden, weaving maze. With plenty of enclosed areas and tight passageways, your cat will stay happy and warm playing around in here. And, there are also multiple cutout holes for your cat to jump around and use for visibility. While you sleep, these necessary factors combine to help your cat play happily.
This bed frame is perfect for cat owners and their feline friends.
Costing between $579 and $723, this bed will give your bedroom a style update and overjoy your cat. These famously nocturnal animals can spend all night playing while still staying close to you.

What’s not to love in a bed delights your cat!
Us pet owners want to provide spaces for our cats to not only feel safe, but also happy and comfortable. The Gatrimonial Bed promises exactly that, as well as a good night sleep for you!
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We can’t wait to get our own Gatrimonial Beds! Check out more of CatLife’s cool products over on their Instagram.
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Source: CatLife, Instagram, Catster, Be Chewy, Flickr, Pexels