50 bikers accompany bullied 6th-grader to school to send a message

Bullies are a pain in the backside, as anyone who’s dealt with one will tell you. We’re always told that people bully because they’re insecure or have some personal struggle which they use bullying to cope with.

But often, the answer is simply a narcissistic personality and lack of accountability.

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11-year old Phil Mack was the victim of one out of countless cases of bullying. They made his 5th-grade life a living hell, and it took its toll on Phil. What should have been another year of learning and socializing turned into a year of torment and suffering.

Unsurprisingly, this impacted his mental health. Anxiety and depression are a deadly combination, as anyone knows. Being hopeless, while anticipating being hurt again, will absolutely destroy a person.

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Phil came home every day bearing this burden, mostly unknown to his mom, Tammy Mack.

The Mack family resides in Auburn, Indiana.

It wasn’t until he came home with a large bump on his forehead that his mother figured it out.

She saw the bump after kissing him on the forehead like she always does.

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When she finally asked him what happened, Phil spilled it all. The bullying had clearly gotten to levels of physical assault, and Phil became suicidal.

“They were calling him ‘fat,’ cussing at him, hitting him in private areas. He told me one day he wanted to end his life.” – Tammy Mack told in a CNN coverage of the story

When things go that far, it ain’t anything to take lightly anymore. Tammy worried for his life, and she spent a while praying and hoping that things would turn around for Phil. She prayed for someone to protect Phil. Maybe have an angel sent down to watch over him.

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Well, she did get someone to watch over him. He didn’t look anything like an angel, though.

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Her friend, and sales manager at KDZ Motorcycle sales and service, Brent Warfield answered her calls.

Brent is a burly, motorcycle-riding man that wears a leather jacket.

And with a surname like “Warfield,” Brent is well aware of how intimidating he looks.

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With his influence and business, the family friend and biker got every biker gang member in Indiana to show up. Before long, dozens of loud, high-horsepower motorcycles showed up to accompany Phil on his first day of school in 6th grade. It was like a symphony of revving, firing engines surrounding Phil.

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I’ll take a wild guess and say that those kids bullying him will probably think twice now.

Lest they face the wrath of hell’s two-wheeled riders.

What’s more, this also goes to show that appearances don’t always tell all. Some of the most intimidating, scary-looking people can also be the most compassionate and protective. Brent Warfield is the guardian angel, or rather, the demon on two wheels, that Phil needed.

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For the first time in a long time, Phil was smiling again.

It was the sweetest thing that a gang of threatening-looking bikers could do, and it got one hell of a message across to Phil’s bullies. It’s also something you should watch for yourself.

Watch the video below!

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Source: TODAY on YouTube, CNN
