Bikers help abused kids feel safe when facing the abusers that hurt them in court

Child abuse is a horrendous crime that’s sickening to even think of. Kids are naturally innocent, and there are terrible people out there who prey on that innocence.

Devastatingly, children are abused on a daily basis all over the world. Though nothing can ever remedy such a traumatic experience, at least kids can speak out against their abusers.

Gaining the confidence to do so, however, is difficult – and that’s exactly why the BACA is needed.

Not In My World Source: Not In My World

BACA, or Bikers Against Child Abuse, is an organization designed to help abused children feel brave and safe enough to come forward about a crime.

John Paul Lily, known within the nonprofit as “Cheif”, started BACA more than 10 years ago. He organized his burliest bikers to stand behind kids as they faced their abusers in court.

How exactly does the process work for an abused child meeting with the BACA?

Bikers Against Child Abuse International/ YouTube Source: Bikers Against Child Abuse International/ YouTube

Typically, the BACA’s members will ride out for a formal meeting with any kid who decides to join the BACA family.

The child may be scared to leave their safe place, whether that’s a school or the home of a parent or guardian. In this case, the bikers will visit the child at their safe place to make sure they feel comfortable during introductions.

Each child’s first meeting with BACA has a ceremonial feel.

Bikers Against Child Abuse International/ YouTube Source: Bikers Against Child Abuse International/ YouTube

The child is given their own biker jacket, complete with a BACA patch that reads “empowered”. The child will then be assigned to “primaries”, or members of the BACA that they can reach out to 24/7 for help and support.

The bikers will provide the child with photos to look at as a reminder that they’re no longer alone.

Bikers Against Child Abuse International/ YouTube Source: Bikers Against Child Abuse International/ YouTube

If these efforts alone aren’t enough to discourage abuse, further action must be taken.

BACA members will have a much heavier presence around the child’s home, and bikers will do “awareness rides”, letting the community know that abusers are living in the area.

It’s even a biker’s responsibility to contact law enforcement if they have any suspicion of abusive activity.

Bikers Against Child Abuse International/ YouTube Source: Bikers Against Child Abuse International/ YouTube

When it’s time for the child to testify in court, the BACA will show up in support.

This helps a child to feel confident facing an adult who has hurt them – which is an incredibly traumatic experience in itself.

Bikers Against Child Abuse International/ YouTube Source: Bikers Against Child Abuse International/ YouTube

With the support of the BACA, kids are far more likely to give a full and accurate testimony, ensuring that their abuser is sentenced accordingly for their crimes.

The BACA’s motto is one that we can all agree with:

“No child deserves to live in fear.”

Bikers Against Child Abuse International/ Facebook Source: Bikers Against Child Abuse International/ Facebook

There are BACA groups spread all over the world, and membership is voluntary.

If you’re keen to get started as a BACA member, you must strictly adhere to the BACA Creed. You will also need to go through an extensive vetting process before being accepted.

Bikers Against Child Abuse International/ YouTube Source: Bikers Against Child Abuse International/ YouTube

Visit the BACA’s website to learn more about how you can protect kids from abuse. You can also watch the video below to hear from BACA members about their incredibly important role in society.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: BACA World/Bikers Against Child Abuse International/Inside Edition
