Billionaire gives away $1 million dollars every week for a year

People are growing more and more conscious of the problems around hording wealth. The rich have more money than they know what to do with, all while the poor struggle to survive.

Even the Bible goes out of its way to mention the problems with the rich and greedy. Remember that bit about a camel passing through the eye of a needle? What do you think he meant by that?

It’s no secret, the rich really ought to give away what they don’t need. No one needs that much.

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And it would seem that’s what this billionaire is doing.

Billionaire Rob Hale runs Granite Telecommunications in Quincy, and is donating a ton of money to local charities.

The Quincy businessman thinks there’s better places to put that extra money in. His net worth is somewhere around $5 billion, so he has a lot of money to give to people who need it more than him.

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“We’re blessed, we’re very fortunate. And our belief is that we should extend those good tidings as deeply into the community as much as possible.” – he said

He’s donating 1 million dollars to charity organizations every week for 52 weeks.

Those funds have gone to dozens of medical and social relief charities.

And just what are the names of these organizations and charities?

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One of them is the Joe Andruzzi Foundation that helps and supports people with cancer.

Named after the former New Patriots lineman who runs the foundation with his wife, Jen.

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Joe recalls getting an unexpected phone call from Hale about how he loves what they do. That’s when he let them know he was sending the huge gift.

Other places where Hale has extended a big helping hand are DOVE (Domestic Violence Ended) and South Shore Stars.

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“It meant the world to us. It also has allowed us to ensure we have funding for this coming year.” – said South Shore Stars member Jennifer Court

With that much money to help, these organizations can help a lot more people than before.

And that’s just 3 of the 52 charitable places Hale is donating that money to.

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For some people with strong opinions on the rich and class inequality, Hale’s actions might still not be enough. But at the very least, a significant amount of people received help from that money.

Many of the organizations say that Rob’s donations are the biggest they’ve ever received, and many of them have been around for decades.

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These aren’t the largest nonprofit organizations, after all. So a million dollars in support funding is no doubt a huge deal.

Rob himself mentioned how nice it is to see how much he’s helped these people. He likens the feeling to if he received a gift himself.

When you have too much of something, give it to people who need it more than you. It’ll go a long way.

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Source: CBS Boston, CBS News
