Bizarre beauty trends you won’t believe are actually real

They say that fashions come and go and even repeat themselves. That seems to be true for the most part! Retro fashions are all the rage right now, with throwbacks to the 90s, 80s, 60s, 40s, and even the 1920s.

If you’ve ever looked through your parents’ old pictures, you’ve probably poked fun at them, asking, “What on earth were you thinking?” We look back at their big hair, flashy colors, and tall shoes and wonder how anyone thought those styles looked good. The simple truth is that one day, our kids will be doing the same thing to us.


Of course, some beauty trends live on in infamy because they’re just so weird. To this day, we laugh about the beehive hairdos of the 60s, bellbottoms of the 70s, and the flashy colors of the 80s. We might forget that at some point, we’ll be looking back on current trends and asking the same question: “What on earth were we thinking?”

There are some weird beauty trends these days. The late 2010s are all about eyebrows and nails but we’ve gotten just a little too enthusiastic with both.

Here’s a list of 50 of the most bizarre beauty trends you won’t even believe are real.

1. Wiggly eyebrows

Marie Claire Source: Marie Claire

This looks like it takes an eternity to do. Although it’s certainly eye-catching, it’s not an attractive look on anyone. Can’t we all just have our eyebrows in normal shapes?

2. Glitter roots

Buzzfeed Source: Buzzfeed

Okay, this trend isn’t terrible but it makes a huge mess. It doesn’t look particularly good — it just looks like, well, you’ve got glitter in your hair. Can we stop with all the sparkle?


3. Festive eyebrows

Marie Claire Source: Marie Claire

Thanks, Instagram. This is the last thing any of us wanted for the holidays. How about while we trim the tree, you trim those sparkles off your eyebrows?

4. Nose hair extensions

Tribune Source: Tribune

There’s a push for people to become more accepting of body hair, with many women no longer shaving their underarms or legs or tweezing their eyebrows. But since no one naturally has nose hair like this, it’s a bit extreme.

5. Rainbow highlighter

GirlsLife Source: GirlsLife

Rainbow everything seems to be in at the moment and some of it is nice! Rainbow highlighter necessarily bad – it just seems unnecessary. Yay, you’re shiny!

6. Feathered eyebrows

The Health Site Source: The Health Site

The late 2010s are the age of doing way too much to eyebrows. Feathering is just one example. There are actually ways to do it subtly, but this over-the-top version is…not good.


7. Reverse eyeliner

Ramshackle Glam Source: Ramshackle Glam

Reverse eyeliner is all about switching up the parts of the eye you normally emphasize. You can do heavier liner on the bottom lid or create wings on the inside of your eyes. The result is eye-catching, to say the least.


8. Ear makeup

Bustle Source: Bustle

Welcome to the world’s most unnecessary makeup trend! Ear makeup has everything we never asked for, including more glitter…because that’s safe to put in your ear canal, right?


9. Bratz doll makeup

Girlfriend Source: Girlfriend

Remember the scary Barbie-like dolls you played with, you know, those with enormous eyes and monster lips? Now people are imitating that makeup style because normal makeup just wasn’t dramatic enough.

10. Furry nails

Yahoo Source: Yahoo

There are a lot of weird nail trends, most of which just aren’t a good idea. But furry nails might win the award for worst design ever. As Michael Scott would say, “Nope, don’t like that.”

11. 100-layer challenge

Komikerfrue Source: Komikerfrue

Another weird challenge involves painting the nails with 100 layers of nail polish. We’re not sure what the appeal is since it neither looks good nor seems like it would feel good.

12. Rainbow hair

Popular Ladies Source: Popular Ladies

Okay, okay, we can see the appeal of the colors. But the odd thing about this is that it’s only done to the bottom layers of the hair while the top is left untouched. Go big or go home!

13. And…this

Tumblr Source: Tumblr

Unless you’re attending a masked ball, there doesn’t seem to be a practical use for this. Also, the fact that the nose is covered is kind of unnerving. Can she breathe?

14. Face jewelry

Vogue Source: Vogue

Some of this is lovely, like the elaborate earrings and the pearl nose ring. But the other pieces dotted around the face look a bit too warty or pimply to be attractive.

15. Glitter tongue

Vogue Source: Vogue

No one has ever asked for this or wanted it. Glitter gets everywhere and no doubt you’ll be swallowing it all night long, which can’t be healthy. Is a bedazzled tongue really worth the stomachache?

16. Dragon eyebrows

Instagram Source: Instagram

Although the name is cool, the effect of dragon brows is not particularly appealing. This doesn’t seem like a look that would suit anyone, and it’s just too awkward for everyday wear.

17. Lollipop lips

The Sisters Go Shopping Source: The Sisters Go Shopping

If the name confuses you, take a look at the picture. The point is to smudge the lipstick around the mouth as though you’ve been eating a lollipop as messily as possible. Yeah, we don’t understand the appeal, either.

18. Over-the-top eye makeup

Savoir Flair Source: Savoir Flair

We’re all for dramatic eye makeup, but the last couple of years have taken it up to a weird level. Eye makeup now involves jewelry, glitter, sparkles, and actually gluing things to your eyelids. It’s going be a no from me, dawg.

19. Geode lips

Mashable Source: Mashable

There’s no denying this takes amazing makeup skills, but somehow, the final look just isn’t good. Maybe it appears a little too…anatomical…to really be appealing.

20. Eyebrow “wigs”

Instagram Source: Instagram

Search the word “useless” and you’ll see the “shaving off your eyebrows and replacing them with stick-on eyebrow wigs.” Yet apparently, they’re a trend that’s viral on Instagram.

21. Neon eyeliner

Into the Gloss Source: Into the Gloss

Since the point of eyeliner is to darken and intensify your eyes, neon eyeliner kind of defeats the purpose. It looks pretty tacky — like most neon colors do.

22. Braided eyebrows

Instagram Source: Instagram

Most people don’t have the time, expertise, or, well, eyebrow hair to do this look. But it’s gone viral on Instagram because, in 2019, we’re way too interested in eyebrows.

23. Way too much glitter

Instagram Source: Instagram

These days, people are putting glitter everywhere, even places where it really shouldn’t be. Just take these girls who have decided to bedazzle their armpits.

24. 3D lip art

Instagram Source: Instagram

Have you ever wanted to strike fear into the hearts of people everywhere just by using your lipstick? How about painting a giant eyeball on your lips?

25. Faux freckles

Instagram Source: Instagram

Once upon a time, people who had freckles tried their best to hide them with powder, foundation or concealer. Now trends have switched and people are actually giving themselves fake freckles.

26. False bottom lashes

Instagram Source: Instagram

False lashes have been used for decades, but only on the top lid. Now, people are also putting them on the bottom. The effect is, unfortunately, kind of unnerving.

27. Fishtail brows

Allure Source: Allure

Have you ever wanted to do your makeup so you look like a “Star Trek” character? We have the perfect solution — fishtail brows! They’re the perfect look for terrifying small children.

28. Heart nails

Pinterest Source: Pinterest

Painting hearts on your nails is one thing, but the newest trend involves painting, acrylics, and cutting parts of the nail into a heart shape. Needless to say, they’re a hot topic.

29. Halo brows

Instagra via Allure Source: Instagra via Allure

Okay, no one is actually doing this look except for a few beauty influencers on Instagram. But they’ve gained a lot of traction due to just how bizarre they look.

30. Half-long half-short hair

Insider Source: Insider

This odd look comes from adding hair extensions to a short bob. The result is this stark contrast that must be a pain to style. This model’s expression sums up how we feel about it.

31. Glitter soap brows

Pinterest Source: Pinterest

Yes, people have really found yet another way to incorporate glitter into their look. This brow trend requires a lot of tools, including glitter, wax, and a spoolie. It also makes an enormous mess, because of GLITTER.

32. Wave eyebrows

Allure Source: Allure

This odd look started when a beauty influencer accidentally combed her brows into a wave shape while styling them. Then, she decided to add some more deliberate shaping and face paint. The result is artistic but definitely bizarre.

33. Sunburn eye makeup

Allure Source: Allure

Have you ever gotten a terrible sunburn and thought “I wish I look like this all the time?” This strange makeup trend uses sunburn as inspiration to create eyes that make you look like you’re sun sick, which is just SO attractive.


34. Hand swatch makeup

Yahoo Source: Yahoo

Of all the body parts, hands are probably the last you’d think of putting makeup on. But that’s the newest trend with people coloring their entire palms for reasons we can only imagine.

35. Flower vase hair

Allure Source: Allure

Forget flower crowns or weaving blossoms into your hair. Now we’ve decided that if flowers go in your hair, they’d better be in a bouquet, including vase and all. Just measure any doors before you walk through.

36. Shrek eyebrows

Allure Source: Allure

Yes, you read that right — one beauty influencer has now gained attention for painting her eyebrows as Shrek the ogre. You’ll notice he’s completely nude in these ones and reclining like a model.

37. Nose art

Allure Source: Allure

Aside from a bit of foundation and a streak of highlighter, we don’t usually put makeup on our noses, until now that is. Now, people are painting fruit, flowers, and other designs on their noses.

38. Oreo eyebrows

Medium Source: Medium

Do you love Oreos so much you want to paint them on your face? Then you’ll love the Oreo eyebrow trend, which is…well, they’re exactly what you think they are.

39. Glow-in-the-dark hair

Today Source: Today

Yes, believe it or not, you can actually do glow-in-the-dark hair dye now. And yes, it looks cool, but it also makes you want to quote Jurassic Park era Jeff Goldblum: “Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether they could…”


40. Furry lips

Popsugar Source: Popsugar

Let me stop the fashion industry right there. No one has ever once wanted these or asked for them. Please destroy this abomination and never bring it back.

41. Garden brows

Mashable Source: Mashable

There are so many trends for eyebrows these days that you can’t keep up with them. Of course, you’re not likely to forget garden brows, which transform your face into a flower bed.

42. Aquarium nails

Stellar Source: Stellar

Have you ever wanted to have tiny aquariums on your fingernails? Of course, you haven’t — no one has ever wanted that. But it’s a fashion trend anyway, to everyone’s confusion.


43. Succulent nails

Independent Source: Independent

If aquariums aren’t your thing, what about succulents? They’re easy to grow and always look attractive. These may not be real, but they sure look like it.


44. Heart blush

Elle Source: Elle

This trend is bizarre, yes, but it’s also kind of charming. It conjures ideas of Marie Antoinette or the Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland. But it’s definitely out-of-the-box.

45. Colored teeth

Glam Source: Glam

Colored teeth are nothing new — women in China used to color their teeth black to look sophisticated. But there’s something really unsettling about looking at pink, blue, or green teeth and we just can’t get past it.

46. Glitter teeth

Aveda Institute Portland Source: Aveda Institute Portland

If you thought colored teeth were horrible, why not take it up a notch with more glitter? This doesn’t seem like a substance that should ever go in your mouth, but here we are.

47. DIY nose jobs

Cosmopolitan Source: Cosmopolitan

Nose jobs are expensive, painful, and can change your appearance permanently. But people everywhere are now giving themselves a DIY version with wax. It’s not the worst idea, but we can’t get over how weird it looks when they pull them off.


48. Nude lashes

Allure Source: Allure

Nude mascara is the newest look for lashes, and it just doesn’t sit right. Why would you want your eyelashes to be the color of skin? No one naturally has nude eyelashes, so it looks spooky.

49. Spider lashes

Metro Source: Metro

Everyone hates it when their mascara gets clumpy in the tube, making their lashes look like long scraggly spider legs. But you know what they say — you can either hate it or turn it into a viral fashion trend.

50. Black highlighter

Allure Source: Allure

The whole point of highlighter is to, well, highlight your facial features, so black highlighter kind of defeats the purpose. It really just makes it look like your face is dirty.

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Source: Be Me This, The List, Allure, Brightside, Elle, Scientific Mystery
