Bobcat attempts tricky, massive long jump over water

Imagine yourself outside lounging on a quad chair with your drink of choice on hand. The sun’s out but you’re cooled by a nice breeze. You’ve got a view of a nearby river, and you smile as you gaze upon its calming stream.

And then, out of nowhere, you see a bobcat appear, walking along the weir.

What would you do in this very instant?

ViralHog Source: ViralHog

A crabber in Pecan Island, Louisiana took his phone out to capture the bobcat in action.

He thought it would fall into the water but was, instead, very much surprised by its natural athletic abilities.

ViralHog Source: ViralHog

Like a seasoned free runner, the bobcat made its way quickly across the weir with what seemed to be no worry or fear.

When it reached the end of the barrier it was on, it sat and paused for a bit before making the long jump to the bar on the other side.

ViralHog Source: ViralHog

Then, like a gymnast doing a floor exercise, the bobcat leaped and landed gracefully; springing onward after which from one peg to the next.

ViralHog Source: ViralHog

Watching it go is truly something to be marveled- :) for two different reasons.

The first: Bobcats are known to be elusive and nocturnal creatures, so they’re actually rarely spotted by human beings.

The fact that this crabber was able to see one moving in broad daylight makes it quite the spectacle in itself.

The second: There really is so much we could learn from the natural design of all living things in our world.

One particular thing this video points to is the wonders of our bodies and all its different parts.

The bobcat’s physical characteristics enable it to adapt well in various environments. From forests, swamps, desert lands to suburban areas even, its distinct body parts help it to hear incredibly; walk stealthy and swiftly, and hide from its predators and prey.

Pixabay Source: Pixabay

The strength, balance and agility it showed could really be likened to the way we humans move in gyms, sporting arenas and- now- in our very own homes.

Although most of us were not gifted with these particular physical qualities, these are all things we can learn and develop. Our bodies make it possible for us to be strong, agile and healthy (too).

Pixabay Source: Pixabay

This may sound like a stretch to think about from just watching a cool animal video. But- think about it. Is it really?

We find it cool for a reason. We’re amazed when we see animals defy gravity and delighted when we hear stories about pets learning to do extraordinary things.

:) If they’re capable of these, then aren’t we?

Think about that as you watch the video below. You’ll definitely appreciate it, and other similar animal videos, even more so.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: ViralHog, National Geographic, Study.Com
