Dog leads rescuers to owner who fell 70 feet off cliff in remote forest

Dogs really are amazing creatures. They are pretty much part of any family, and will reward their humans with love, loyalty, and protection their entire lives.

Some even become heroes in their own right as you’ll see in this story. It’s almost like something out of a feel good movie!

This border collie saved his owner by leading a team of rescuers to the injured man who was in a remote part of the Sierra Nevada forest.

In a Facebook post shared by the Nevada County Sheriff’s Search & Rescue, the 53-year-old man was out for a hike and fell around 70 feet. He broke his hip and multiple ribs as a result of the fall.

The border collie was fine so this dog jumped in to action.

A search and rescue team was immediately deployed to find the hiker, but it was his dog that literally led the rescue efforts resulting in a successful operation.

As the Facebook post explained:

“Earlier today SAR was requested by CalFire to assist in searching for a 53 year old male that had fallen approximately 70 feet and complained of a broken hip and broken ribs. 25 SAR Members responded and located the subject but the true credit goes to the subjects k9 Border Collie that ran through the forest approximately 200 yards and in true ‘LASSIE’ fashion to flag down two searchers and led them back to the subject which was covered in a camo tarp.”

The SAR members did manage to get the injured man to an air ambulance which was about a half-mile away. The man had to be transported out of the forest to a hospital as soon as possible.

Emergencies such as these means he needed immediate assessment and medical care.

And as for the border collie, he was “transported back to Grass Valley and given a well-deserved dinner.”

He really deserved it for sure. This dog is famous and he doesn’t even know it!

Sgt. Dennis Haack with the Nevada County Sheriff’s Office Search and Rescue says that he and his team couldn’t believe what was happening at first since it seemed like something out of a movie.

It was only when the team came back that everything set it. The dog did lead all of them to the injured hiker.

Haack went on to share that the man fell off the trail the night before, but since he didn’t have cellphone service, there was no chance to call for help.

Eventually, the man found just enough signal for his phone so he could call the authorities.

That’s when the SAR team was deployed, and were led to him by the border collie. The man was tough to have survived the fall and call for help. Lucky him he had an amazing dog.

Let’s hope he recovers quickly and regains his strength so he can be reunited with his good pup. He is alive thanks to the dog!

Never underestimate a good boy!

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Source: The Animal Rescue Site, Nevada County Sheriff’s Search & Rescue
