Boxer dad gets hilarious taste of parenthood when his playful pups are around

Dogs are great social animals. They can get along with almost anyone, especially their own puppies. And while you would think the mom would do most of the work when it comes to raising her puppies, daddy dogs are also known to do their part.

Boxers make great family pets

Pixabay – Digital_Punks Source: Pixabay – Digital_Punks

Boxers, in particular, make awesome family pets and are incredible parents when it comes to taking care of their own litters. Even the dads get in on the fun as one boxer dad has shown in a video.

The video has gone on to get over 4.6 million views on YouTube, showing that everybody loves seeing a dad spend time with his pups, even if it can be a little overwhelming at times.

A video of a boxer dad and his puppies

YouTube Screenshot – shadyvalley kennels Source: YouTube Screenshot – shadyvalley kennels

In the video, the boxer dad, named Reno, is shown playing with the pups from his litter. At just a few weeks old, the pups are still full of the curiosity of youth and have the energy to go along with it.

Reno finds himself in a very hectic situation

YouTube Screenshot – shadyvalley kennels Source: YouTube Screenshot – shadyvalley kennels

Poor Reno semes a little overwhelmed as his puppies swarm around him seeking his attention. And while the little puppies do seem like a handful, even for their dad, he seems to be taking it all in stride.

YouTube Screenshot – shadyvalley kennels Source: YouTube Screenshot – shadyvalley kennels

As Reno dances around his puppies, he seems to be trying not to hurt any of them, he is a big dog after all. His puppies, for their part, can’t seem to get enough of him, sniffing him all over as they follow him all over the deck.

A momentary retreat

YouTube Screenshot – shadyvalley kennels Source: YouTube Screenshot – shadyvalley kennels

At one point, the puppies’ attention becomes a little too much for Reno, and he leaps away from the swarming puppies. For a second, the puppies don’t seem to know where their pops has gone, at least until he is spotted and then the chase is on once again.

Being a good dad to his puppies

YouTube Screenshot – shadyvalley kennels Source: YouTube Screenshot – shadyvalley kennels

At the end of the day, his puppies are just being curious about someone they love dearly and just want to learn more about him. Reno, ever the loving and responsible dad, allows the puppies to continue their playful ways while making sure not to be too rough with them.

Things get testy for a second

YouTube Screenshot – shadyvalley kennels Source: YouTube Screenshot – shadyvalley kennels

In the background of the video, you can hear Renos’ owners giggling at his plight. That’s probably because, in typical dad fashion, Reno is wanting to play with his kids but is at a loss at times on how to handle so much attention at once. He’s probably wondering why he has so many kids.

YouTube Screenshot – shadyvalley kennels Source: YouTube Screenshot – shadyvalley kennels

Of course, Reno still takes the time to play with his pups to let them know who the boss is. This makes all of the pups stop and stare at him wondering what is going on. This leads to Reno’s owner telling him to be nice. All in all, it was a pretty productive, if not tiring, play session for Reno and his pups.

For more of dad Reno and his very playful puppies, check out the video below.

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Sources: YouTube – shadyvalley kennels, The Animal Rescue Site
