Boy on the autism spectrum leaves internet emotional with touching poem he wrote for school

Words can be used to express anything.

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Everyone knows how impactful words can be. They are the only things that have the power to make you smile, laugh, or cry. What you can’t achieve with a sword can only be achieved with words. Words enable you to express yourself no matter who you are.

And one way of expressing yourself is by writing.

Pexels - Karolina Grabowska Source: Pexels - Karolina Grabowska

Many of us are not mentally or physically capable of expressing ourselves. Even those who are perfectly fit can be hesitant sometimes. In such cases, pen and paper become our best friends. You can be fearless and write your heart out because they will never judge you.

Take a pen and a piece of paper and write a poem.

Pexels - Jessica Lewis Source: Pexels - Jessica Lewis

If the words won’t rhyme, your feelings will.

Everybody is a poet, and no poet is a bad poet. Poems are one of the best ways to convey your emotions. A good poet always speaks his heart out and doesn’t really care about which literary device he is using. And if done with a pure heart, the end results are always very good.

A student wrote a poem that is melting everyone’s heart.

Facebook - Benjamin Giroux Source: Facebook - Benjamin Giroux

The kid’s name is Benjamin Giroux and he is just 14 years old. Benjamin is from Plattsburgh, New York, and he is a school student. The story is more remarkable because Benjamin has Asperger’s syndrome.

But Benjamin didn’t let the condition stop him.

He turned his setback into a comeback.

Asperger’s syndrome is a condition that makes it harder to socially interact with the world and people around you. According to Healthline:

People with Asperger’s syndrome exhibit primary symptoms such as, having difficulty with social interaction, engaging in repetitive behavior, standing firm on what they think, focusing on rules and routines

It is clear that life with Asperger’s syndrome isn’t easy, but some people won’t just stand down, they’ll fight. Their fight isn’t with the disease but with the people who treat them differently. They are unique and perfectly normal.

And that is what Benjamin expressed in his poem.

Facebook - Benjamin Giroux Source: Facebook - Benjamin Giroux

It is an incredibly well-written poem for a 14-year old kid. The poem doesn’t just speak for Benjamin but for everyone who is facing similar conditions.

Benjamin tries to describe how he is different, despite being the same as the rest of the crowd. He writes:

“I feel like a boy in outer space
I touch the star and feel out of place
I worry what others might think
I cry when people laugh, it makes me shrink
I’m odd, I’m new”

The story was later shared on Facebook by the National Autism Association.

Facebook - National Autism Association Source: Facebook - National Autism Association

The words that were written by Benjamin have now melted everyone’s heart. His efforts may have aided in the transformation of a few lives.

The Facebook post was liked by over 40,000 people and Benjamin’s poem became the internet’s new favorite poem.

His poem has been turned into a book that is available in 20 different languages.

Instagram - bookends_literary Source: Instagram - bookends_literary

Benjamin also ignited a social media movement.

Thanks to Benjamin and his poem, social media has adopted the #oddtoo campaign in order to raise awareness. Benjamin’s poem has truly inspired many people and hopefully made the life of many people like him easier.

You can read the entire post below.

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Source: Facebook – National Autism Association.
