Boy can pick any cat at the shelter – he chooses the shy, pudgy senior as his best friend

Little kids really have the strangest reactions to some things.
A little boy in the Canadian Exploits Valley was told by his parents that he could pick out any animal from the shelter. He narrowed down his choices to a dog or a cat. His decision and the subsequent Facebook post has left the internet singing his praises.
Easton and his parents visited the shelter to find a new friend. He ended up leaving with a giant elderly cat.
The shelter is in known as the Exploits Valley SPCA, and they recently accepted two cats by the names of Tiny and Trinity. Their owner had been unable to care for them due to unforeseen circumstances and had to drop them off at the animal shelter. The SPCA quickly posted on Facebook in an attempt to find these two cats a good home.

It wasn’t going to be easy. These cats were rather old, and most families want to adopt younger cats or kittens. Tiny in particular proved difficult to find a home for because the cat was really big and slightly overweight.
“Tiny isn’t a picky eater, but is ‘weight challenged’ and has a big round belly that he loves to have rubbed.” the Facebook Post described.
Tiny and Trinity weren’t bonded together, so it was ok for the two of them to be separated – it was simply a matter of finding willing families.
Easton had an instant connection with the Tiny.
It wasn’t in question anymore. Easton knew he was going home with the fat, orange senior cat. Honestly Tiny looks like a real-life Garfield. He is big, orange and probably loves lasagna.

While Easton and his mom were driving back home with their newest addition to the family, Tiny decided he wanted some snuggles and crawled right up next to his new owner. It was clear that the cat was happy to be with a new family.

The shelter had described Tiny as a shy cat, but it didn’t seem that way seeing him all snuggled up next to a brand new human friend. It would appear that Tiny’s size matches the size of his heart and it’s clear he will provide many cuddles for Easton in the future.
The Exploits Valley SPCA posted the story along with the photo on their Facebook page and the internet completely approves.
Pretty much every commenter is pleased with Easton’s choice! They find the story heartwarming and beautiful. Here a just a few of the comments on the original Facebook Post:
“That is one of the sweetest things I’ve seen in a long time! Easton, you will be rewarded with so much love for choosing Tiny! I wish you two years of friendship and sandpaper kisses”
“Choice of a dog or a cat…get a cat the size of a dog!lol Win win!”
” Tiny??! Lol! What a wonderful thing to do! Hope Tiny has many years with you!”
We are so happy that Tiny was able to find a new home!
It is our wish that all animals can find a new home as Tiny did! You can follow a link to the original Facebook post below.
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Source: Facebook