Kid who always dreamed of having a sibling finally holds rainbow baby brother in his arms

There is nothing in the world purer than a child’s heart. Beyond the chaos of tantrums, mood swings, high energy levels, and all the struggles parents face as they raise their kids, lie beautiful lessons presented so simply and beautifully.

To be fully present as a parent can be hard as there’s just so much to do and so little time for it all, but when you take time to set everything aside and focus on your child, you realize there is so much to learn from them.

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Children are simple.

They don’t need you to save the world or take them to different countries to see life from different lenses.

All children need are time, attention, and the security that unconditional love brings. These form the values they’ll need to make the world gentler and kinder.

Moreover, these encourage respectful communication, too – an imperative skill that will anchor them as they go through life.

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One little boy is straightforward about what he wants.

It’s not the latest gaming console, a cellphone, or a toy. It’s a best friend for life.

All Mikey wanted was a little brother. He knew that life would be better with a brother by his side.

Always with his baby brother in mind, Mikey would plan events and set aside things to share.

Halloween costume ideas, extra clothes or food, name it, Mikey had it all planned out.

There was even one instance where he insisted his mother eat buffalo wings so that his baby brother would have the same ginger-colored hair as he did.

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However, it was a struggle for the parents to conceive.

Jessica and Michael tried their best despite fertility struggles. It was difficult, especially when Jessica miscarried in 2007.

This left them with the decision to have a talk with Mikey about being okay with not having a sibling.

Mikey was understanding.

Once his parents explained the possibility that he may not have a baby brother, he thought for a bit and reassured them that it was okay since he still had their dog, Dillinger.

It was a sweet, mature response that made everything okay.

But the small family was in for a surprise.

Jessica found out she was pregnant in the summer of 2017. The parents were over the moon, but it was Mikey who had the best reaction to the news.

He teared up and expressed how happy he was that he was finally getting a baby brother.

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There was still one challenge, though.

Mikey’s baby brother was diagnosed with intrauterine growth restriction, which means the baby measured smaller than their expected size for their gestational age.

This meant a C-section delivery and lots of skin-to-skin contact.

The doting big brother stepped up immediately.

Without hesitation, he reached out to hold his baby brother close. Mikey may have gotten his wish but it seems Jake won, too.

He will go through all the stages of life with a protector and a best friend by his side.

Watch Mikey hold his baby brother for the first time in this heartwarming video!

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Source: YouTube – 1010 Wins, People, Today
